Processing a Regular Order
This section provides instructions on how to process a regular order for which all parcels are shipped the same day.
What is a Regular Order?
A regular order contains a single package or multiple packages to be processed and shipped as a single entity on the same day.
Processing a Single Parcel Order
If all items ordered by the customer can fit into one parcel, process the order as a single-parcel order.
To process the order as a single parcel:
on the relevant order line (#16).
The relevant order documents are printed.
Attach the documents to your parcel.
Processing a Multi-Parcel Order
At times, the content of an order needs to be packed in more than one parcel. A multiple-parcel order contains several parcels that must be processed and shipped on the same day.
The Parcel screen allows you to create additional parcels and move the order’s items between parcels.
To process a multi-parcel order:
In the Process Order screen, click the Order ID (#8).
The Parcel screen opens.
Figure: Parcel Screen
(the + sign) to create a new parcel.
A new parcel is generated.
Move items to the new parcel P2 by dragging them from parcel P1 (left) to the new parcel P2 (right).
Figure: Parcel Screen – Move Items to a Parcel (P1 to P2)
To distribute items with the same product (SKU) between parcels:
Select an entire product SKU row and drag it from parcel (P1) to parcel (P2).
From the drop-down list, select the number of items to move to parcel P2.
The rest of the items remain in parcel P1.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for as many parcels as needed.
Each additional parcel denotes a consecutive suffix (P2, P3, P4, and so on).
Click Apply.
The new parcels are saved, and the Parcel screen closes.
In the Process Order screen:
on the relevant order line (#16)
The relevant order documents are printed. Note that an Airway Bill is issued per parcel.
Attach the document to your parcels.
Processing Documents in Bulk
To process orders in bulk:
Select the checkbox next to each order to process.
Select All (box) at the top of the column (#7) to process all the orders on the page.
Click Print Orders (#6).
The shipping documents of all the orders you selected are printed in bulk. If an order contains several documents (such as an airway bill and an invoice), these documents are printed consecutively followed by the next order’s documents.
Attach the required order documents to each parcel.
See Order and Shipping Documentation for more information on the applicable shipping documentation.