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Show the Checkout Frame

To show the checkout frame, call:

gle("Checkout", "CART_TOKEN","HTML CONTAINER ID");
In-Cart Express Payment Methods Integration with Global‑e

Global‑e offers a streamlined implementation of in-cart express payment methods for shoppers.

With this option, shoppers can access express payment methods directly from the Cart page, making the checkout process faster and more efficient.

Currently, Global‑e supports the following in-cart express payment methods:

  • AmazonPay

  • PayPal Express

Supported In-Cart Express Payment Methods

The following table lists the in-cart express payment methods currently supported by Global‑e and their corresponding Global‑e functions.

Payment Method


Error Object


CheckoutWithAmazonPayV2(CartToken, failureCallback)


PayPal Express

CheckoutWithPayPalExpress (CartToken, failureCallback)

Error Types:

1 - Cart validation

2 - Issue with the PayPal response

Note that you can find these functions in the Global‑e object.

For example:

GlobalE.CheckoutWithAmazonPayV2('40a51c57-cdac-40d2-b8dc-ad94d9fd6c1f', alert('Error'))

Function Parameters

When implementing in-cart express payment methods, use the following parameters:


A valid Global‑e Cart Token that can be retrieved from GetCartToken.


A function invoked in case of a failure, such as an invalid Cart Token.

You can use this function to redirect the shopper to the regular checkout, show an error message, and more.

Implementation Steps

To implement in-cart express payment methods:

  1. Generate a Global‑e Cart Token or use an existing one, if it is still valid.

  2. Call the appropriate function based on the payment method selected by the shopper; for example, CheckoutWithAmazonPayV2 for AmazonPay or CheckoutWithPayPalExpress for PayPal.

The shopper is redirected to the payment method page (Amazon or PayPal).