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Readiness Assessment

Complete the following steps when deploying the Global-e integration from SFCC Staging to SFCC Production.

  1. Check the Global-e metadata on Staging, if something is not there yet (or you are not sure), import the metadata from the link_globale/metadata folder.

  2. Check Global-e Shipping Methods on Staging. There should be seven methods: GLOBALE, GLOBALE_STANDARD, GLOBALE_EXPRESS, GLOBALE_STORE_COLLECTION, GLOBALE_HUB, GLOBALE_DIRECT, and GLOBALE_WYOL. If it is not there yet, import the metadata from the link_globale/metadata folder

  3. Check Global-e Payment Method and Payment Processor on Staging – GLOBALE.

    if it is not there, import the metadata from the link_globale/metadata folder or create it manually (Payment Processor).

  4. Check the Tax Class for Global-e Shipping Methods on Staging. it should not be set to undefined.

    (after fresh import it might be reset to undefined),

  5. Check the configuration of Global-e custom Site Preferences on Staging. Add values for Production (on Staging, for Production context, so it is replicated properly).

  6. Check the time configuration of 'Auto-Fail Orders' (Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Order). By default, the recommended time is 4320 minutes. If the site preference Place Order On Payment Update (gePlaceOrderOnPaymentUpdate) is set to Yes then the recommended time is 20160 minutes.

  7. Check all price books on Staging, including Fixed price books, if there are any configured in Global-e custom Site Preferences.

  8. Check Global-e Services, Job Schedules on Staging and on Production. If it is not there yet, import it from the link_globale/metadata folder on Staging and Production.

  9. Check that the GLOBALE Service profile is configured so the Rate Limit is disabled (Enable Rate Limit = false).

  10. Check the definitions for Global-e Custom Objects on Staging – GLOBALE_*

    If it is not there, import the metadata from the link_globale/metadata folder.

  11. Check that int_globale and Global-e extension (int_globale_sitegenesis for SiteGenesis Pipeline or Controller-based storefront, int_globale_sfra for SFRA-based storefront) cartridges are uploaded into the current code version on SFCC Staging, so it will be replicated properly to SFCC Production.

  12. Check that int_globale and Global-e extension cartridges are in the cartridge path of your Site (Global-e-operated Sites) on Staging.

  13. IF ALL THe ABOVE IS VERIFIED AND LOOKS GOOD – PERFORM DATA REPLICATION TO PRODUCTION (Services, Job Schedules, Metadata, Site Preferences, Custom Object Definitions, Shipping Methods, Payment Method, Customer Groups, etc.). If there is anything that prevents you from making a data replication from Staging to Production, perform all the above manually on Production (if possible).


  15. Check that int_globale and Global-e extension cartridges (int_gloable_sitegenesis for SiteGeesis, int_globale_sfra for SFRA) are in the cartridge path of your Site (operated by Global-e Sites) on Production.

  16. Manually check the Global-e custom Site Preferences, Services, Job Schedules (should be assigned to proper Site(s)), Custom Object definitions, Payment, and Shipping Methods on Production.

  17. Run Global-e Settings Job manually on Production.

  18. Enable the Global-e Settings Job to run every day at 2:00 am UTC (or whenever is convenient for you) in the Production.

  19. Check that GLOBALE_* custom objects now have some records and there are no errors in the GLOBALE_ERROR custom error log on Production.

  20. Enable Global-e in Global-e custom Site Preferences on Production.

  21. Clear the cache of the Site(s) and BM on Production manually.

  22. Run tests on the Storefront of your Production.