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Void Parcel


The Void Parcel API lets you take out a declared parcel if you do not intend to send it or if it needs to be updated due to changed shipment requirements.

Note: At least one order ID should be provided in the request, Global-e OrderId or the merchant's MerchantOrderId.

Integration Overview

API endpoint (POST request):



  • string OrderId (mandatory) - Order unique identifier

  • string ParcelCode (mandatory) - Code used to identify the ParcelCode to void.

  • string MerchantOrderId - The merchant's order unique identifier.



  "OrderId": "#12354", "ParcelCode": "454234", "MerchantOrderId": "#1138"


  "IsSuccess":true, "Errors":[]
Error Handling

Error Code

Error Text

Additional Information


The parcel cannot be voided due to the status of the parcel.

For a Global‑e operated hub, only the following statuses can be voided:

Failed Transfer To Shipping

Shipped By Merchant

This is the error in case the hub is operated by Global-e and the parcel has the wrong status.


The parcel cannot be voided due to the status of the parcel.  For merchant-operated hubs, only the following statuses can be voided:

Failed Transfer To Shipping

Shipped By Merchant

Received In Hub

This is the error in case the hub is operated by the Merchant and the parcel has the wrong status.

C102 (Log)

The parcel was voided, but the shipper's API to cancel the shipment failed.

The following information is available from the shipper.

Error code: <shipper error code>

Error text: <error text> 

The API success (IsSuccess=True).

Add it to the log and to the relevant field in the response


Internal unknown failure



The parcel code was not found, or the parcel was already voided
