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Authenticating the Checkout Page

The authentication will be done on the platform side and a token will be sent via SendCart when the checkout loads.

Upon confirmation on the checkout page, the merchant/platform sends Global-e the purchase data, in SendCart, for further processing.

The merchant sends his JWT token for Global-e to validate the message.

Two parameters are added to the calls:

  • AuthToken

  • SessionId

The parameter contains the session token received from the authentication against the merchant’s platform.


Add the parameters to the API body parameters of the SendCart object:



    "CartToken": null, 

    "SessionId": "123456", 

    "AuthToken": "34sdfdg43erfg43234fwsedfsdf423" 

    "ClientIP": "2a02:c7f:b57e:8400:51f:5fa6:3151:95a7", 

    "CountryCode": "GB", 

    "Culture": { 

        "CultureCode": "en-GB", 

        "InputDataCultureCode": null, 

        "PreferedCultureCode": null 


    "Currency": { 

        "CurrencyCode": "GBP", 

        "OriginalCurrencyCode": "USD" 


    "Discounts": [], 

    "FreeShipping": null, 

    "HubId": null, 

    "LocalShippingOptions": [{ 



"WebStoreCode":"Official Ripndip - Apparel, Accessories, Skate, & Lord Nermal ", 






This authentication is currently supported only for SFCC.