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Documentation Portal

Global-e Merchant Portal

Maximize efficiency with our user-friendly Merchant Portal, empowering you to streamline, manage, oversee, configure, and optimize every aspect of international order fulfillment.

Features include:

  • Site Customization Screens: Tailor your site effortlessly to align with your brand identity.

  • Merchant Menu: Streamline Product Management, Reports, and Flash Sales.

  • Order Menu: Efficiently manage and fulfill orders.

  • Configuration Menu: Refine your marketing strategies and manage customer emails.

  • Systems Menu: Administrators can use the Users screen to configure user settings.

  • Explore Store Orders for seamless fulfillment of physical store orders.

  • GlobaEPrinterAgent: Install this printing utility to set up your printers and generate the necessary shipping documents during order fulfillment.

For more information see, Merchant Portal.