Return Methods
Use the GetReturnDocuments
API to integrate the return documents capability into your Returns Portal or through a 3rd party returns provider.
The API return documents and related information, including the label, the tracking number, the tracking URL, the shipper name, the commercial invoice (if relevant), the RMA number, and the return note. In addition, Global-e creates a Global-e RMA.
Note: Electronic invoices are not returned.
Global‑e enables and configures this API on the Global‑e side.
Endpoint URL
POST {globale domain}/Return/GetReturnDocuments
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| String | Yes | The Provider's name identifies the source of the request. |
| String (100) | Yes | The order unique ID |
| String (100) | Yes | The customer's email address |
| String (200) | No | The Merchant's internal RMA Number |
| Decimal | No | The prepaid shipping cost associated with the return. If not provided, then the |
| String (3) | Yes (*) See Description | The currency of the returned prepaid shipping cost (*) Mandatory: Yes, if the |
| Integer | No | Possible values:
| Integer | No | Based on the end customer's selected shipping method, as returned in the Get Return Shipping Options response. If empty, Global‑e uses the cheapest method based on the return shipping type id. |
| String (10) | No | The language for the Return Note document. Currently, English is the only supported language. |
| Array | Yes | An array of returned products' details. |
ReturnedProducts (Array)
(array <ReturnedProducts>)
of ReturnedProduct
objects for this return.
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| String (600) | Yes | The |
| Integer | No | Identifier of the cart item |
| Integer | Yes | Quantity of the returned product |
| String (100) | No | The code of the reason for the product return on the Merchant site. |
| String (100) | Yes | The description of the reason for the return on the Merchant site |
Upon successful returns the required documents for the return.
If the call fails, it returns ErrorInfo.
Response Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
| bool | True: If the API call is successful. False: If the API call fails. |
Field | Type | Description |
| String (100) | The Global‑e Order ID |
| String (100) | The Merchant Order ID |
| String (100) | The Global‑e RMA Number |
| String (100) | The Merchant RMA Number |
ReturnTrackingDetails (Object)
The ReturnTrackingDetails Object contains the tracking information of the return.
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Reference number for the tracking service used by the shipper for this return. |
| String | Tracking URL of the tracking service site used by the shipper. |
| String | The Shipping service name of the return provider. |
| bool | (Optional) Whether this is a label-free return (QR code only). This is only applicable to the |
| bool | True for supported by Global-e for tracking capabilities and tracking events. False for carriers that Global‑e does not support Tracking capabilities |
ReturnDocuments (Array)
The ReturnDocuments
returns the following documents individually or unified, as a single multi-page document, including:
Commercial Invoice (if the electronic invoice is not supported)
Shipping Label
Return Note
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Base64 file type representing the document file content |
| String | Uri of the document |
| String | The code value of the document type. This value can be:
Each document contains the relevant content and with relevant copies. Examples: The return note PDF has only the return note without additional documents. The |
| String | The name of the document type, e.g. |
General API Error as ErrorInfo
{ "Code": "error code", "Error": "error message", "Description: "error description" }
Field | Type | Description |
| String | The error code |
| String | Short error message |
| String | Error description |
For the list of errors, see Error Codes
curl --location 'https://[globale domain]/Return/GetReturnDocuments' \ --header 'MerchantGUID: D2ED2A7F-F6ED-4CCB-B611-B44AC8D02250' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "ProviderCode": "Loop", "OrderId": "GE314856569TS", "Email": "[email protected]", "MerchantRMANumber": "RM132", "ShippingCost": 10.0, "CurrencyCode": "USD", "ReturnShippingTypeId": 2, "ReturnShippingMethodId": null, "ReturnedProducts": [ { "ProductCode": "DKB500680.M8", "ProductSecondaryCode": "", "CartItemId": null, "ReturnQuantity": 1, "MerchantReturnReasonCode": "", "MerchantReturnReasonDescription": "Return Reason from GRD request for product 1" }, { "ProductCode": "B7ECS.C8", "ProductSecondaryCode": "", "CartItemId": 1, "ReturnQuantity": 1, "MerchantReturnReasonCode": "TTT", "MerchantReturnReasonDescription": "Return Reason from GRD request for product 2" } ] }'
Success Response
{ "IsSuccess": true, "Data": { "OrderId": "GE314856569TS", "MerchantOrderId": "314856569", "GlobaleRmaNumber": "371104", "ReturnTrackingDetails": { "TrackingNumber": "1ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "TrackingURL": "", "IsQrLabel": "false", "IsTrackable": true }, "ReturnDocuments": [ { "DocumentTypeCode": "ShippingLabel", "DocumentTypeName": "Shipping Label", "DocumentData": "AQCkosNhECNeAACYzH/NIA5NgtHU2QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "URL": "https://[MerchantDomain]/url" } ] }, "Errors": null }
Failure Response
Example 1
{ "IsSuccess": false, "Data": null, "Errors": [ { "Code": "E500", "Error": "We encountered an unexpected error and are working to resolve the issue." } ] }
Example 2
{ "IsSuccess": false, "Data": null, "Errors": [ { "Code": "PE27", "Error": "Return products collection has duplication" }, { "Code": "PE07", "Error": "Return product (DKB500680.M8) was not found for order" }, { "Code": "PE07", "Error": "Return product (B7ECS.C8) was not found for order" } ] }
Error Codes
Error Code | Error Message | For more information, see: |
E01 | Could not create the shipping label | Note: Not applicable to the self-postage option. |
E02 | The return is not allowed due to the order status ({0}) | |
E03 | The Order ID was not found | |
E04 | There is already an RMA request for this order ({0}) | |
E05 | There are multiple orders with these details ({0}) | |
E06 | The return is not allowed due to the parcel status ({0}) | |
E07 | Unable to find the shipping method for the provided return shipping method Id ({0}) | |
E08 | The provided ReturnShippingTypeId is not valid ({0}) | |
E09 | There are multiple orders with this Order ID ({0}) | |
E10 | No shipping options were found for the order return ({0}) | |
E11 | The return shipping address was not found for order ({0}) | |
E12 | Invalid currency code for the provided shipping cost for order ({0}) | |
E13 | The return shipping request failed for order ({0}) | |
E14 | The return shipping cost cannot be a negative number | |
E15 | The return shipping cost is greater than the return product price |
Call the UpdateRMA
API to set or update the MerchantRMANumber
and send an email to the customer.
{ “OrderId”: ”12345”, (optional) “MerchantOrderId”: ”09876”, (optional) ”RMANumber”: ”852147”, ”MerchantRMANumber”: ”265646925” }
https://{server_name}/Return/UpdateRMA?merchantGUID= F3BE2R-8546-FC38-90SJ-1C780SG8F90SBS
UpdateRMANumber updateRMANumber