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Preparing the Report

The following guidelines detail how to prepare a report for the EOD manifest. Follow these instructions precisely to ensure that the order and parcel information is processed correctly.

Naming the report

The report name should include the merchant's name as configured in Global-e's merchant settings, the date, and the time.

  • Format: {MerchantName}Manifest_ddmmyyyyhhmm

  • Example: MyToysStoreManifest_100220151738

Formatting the report

The report should be in CSV format and include commas as separators.

Tabulations, semi-columns, or any other separators are not supported.

Report Structure and data

In your CSV file, make sure to name the columns headers A through I, as shown below:


Field Descriptions and Requirements





Global-e Order ID


If the Merchant does not have a Global-e Order ID, this column should remain empty.

Merchant Order ID


If there is no order ID, then this column should remain empty.

Parcel Code

Mandatory for in-stock items. Optional for backordered, pre-ordered, and out-of-stock items.

The code is assigned to each parcel in the Merchant’s warehouse.

This code should also be barcoded on the label of each parcel that arrives at a Global-e hub (or shipped directly by the Merchant), along with the Order ID barcode (either Global-e Order ID or Merchant Order ID, as included in the manifest data).

Product SKU


The SKU of each product in the parcel.



The quantity of each product in the parcel.

Is Backorder flag


Relevant for items that are known as backordered.

Accepted values:

  • 0 or empty – for in-stock items.

  • 1 – for backordered items.


  • If the item is out of stock and being fulfilled, make sure to include this item in the relevant day manifest and change the flag value = 0.

  • It is important to list separately in the manifest each line item that is backordered. For example, if there is a line item with a quantity of 2 purchased by a customer and both are back ordered, the merchant should list each line item separately in the manifest.

Backorder Expected Fulfilment Date


If provided by the Merchant, Global-e includes this information in the notification on backordered items sent to customers.

Accepted values:

  • Empty – if the fulfilmentfulfillment date is unknown.

  • Expected Date (in ‘dd-mm-yyyy’ format).

Is Order Completed flag


Updated by the merchant to indicate if the order is completed or not.

Accepted values:

  • 0 – for orders that were not yet completed (i.e. expecting more parcels to arrive).

  • 1- for completed orders , where all items are sent, or amended.

  • Empty –a label will be produced for the items in the parcel, fully or partially supplied. If partially supplied, then an automatic split will be performed.

Note: The same order in the manifest cannot contain both Is Backorder = 1 and Is Completed = 1. If there are any backorder items, always send Is Completed = 0, until all the order items are supplied.

Delivery Reference Number


For Merchants adding additional unique order identifier. It should be associated with each line item in the manifest.



The weight of the parcel in grams.

If there are several items in the parcel, the total weight will be divided equally between all items. If the weight is not specified, it will be taken from the catalogue catalog.

Country of Origin


The country where the item is manufactured.

If the country of origin is not specified, it will be taken from the catalogue catalog.


Global-e makes efforts to consolidate multi-parcel orders into one shipment (for supported carriers) to save shipment costs to merchants and provide a better customer experience for shoppers.

Multi-parcel orders flagged as not completed are treated as split orders that will be fulfilled within 1 – 2 days, and consolidated in the Global-e hub.

It is important not to delay the fulfilmentfulfillment of split multi-parcel orders beyond this timeframe, as this could bear additional holding costs.

An exception to consolidating orders are orders that are flagged as containing backordered items. In this case, each parcel arriving at a Global-e hub is dispatched immediately and is not placed into the holding area to await additional parcels, so that the customer's delivery promise is not compromised.