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Browsing Support Methods


These methods are implemented by the Global-e extensions and plug-ins and do not need to be implemented by the brand.


ActiveHubDetails ()

Returns the shipping and other details of Global‑e’s Local Hub where the orders must be shipped by the Merchant. The hubId property of the HubDetails object returned by this method must be further provided as an argument to the SendCart method defined in this document.

Sample URL:



HubDetails class


AppSettings ()

Returns the lists of client and server-side settings to be used by the Merchant. The original JSON string is returned in the AppSettings.ClientSettings property must be passed back to Global‑e client SDK as received.

The sample string may look like this: {"AllowTracking":{"value":"true"},"Opacity":{"value":"0.8"}}.

Sample URL:



    "WebStoreCode": "default",
    "WebStoreInstanceCode": "QA1"


WebStoreCodes webStoreCodes (optional)

Web store code object (specified in the request body)

Includes web store code and web store instance code to get the merchant app setting for the specific merchant web store instance/domain.


AppSettings class


AppVersion ()

Returns identifiers of the current versions of Global‑e API and of the client-side code that may be referenced by the Merchant’s site to render Global‑e-specific screens such as the Welcome Pop-up and Country Switcher.

Sample URL:



AppVersion class


Countries (stringcountryCode, stringcultureCode)

Returns the list of supported countries including the indication for each country if it is being operated by Global‑e or by the Merchant. If the Merchant’s site already includes its own list of countries, this list must be replaced with the list returned by this method.

Sample URL: 



string countryCode (optional) 

2-char ISO country code. If not specified, all the countries supported by the Merchant will be returned.

string cultureCode (optional) 

ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties (i.e. Name) will be returned in the requested culture’s language. Texts in English will be returned by default for the countries where the texts for the requested culture are unavailable or if the cultureCode argument has not been specified.


List of <Country class>


CountryCoefficients (string countryCode)

Returns the list of pricing adjustment settings agreed between Global‑e and the Merchant, for the end customers shipping to the country (if countryCode is specified), or to all the supported countries (if countryCode is not specified).

The list includes both country-level records (where ProductClassCode is empty) and product class-level records (where IncludeVAT is empty but ProductClassCode is not empty).

Sample URL:



string countryCode (optional) 

2-char ISO country code. If not specified, all the Country Coefficients for the countries supported by the Merchant will be returned.


List of <CountryCoefficientclass>


Currencies (string currencyCode, string cultureCode)

Returns the list of supported currencies

Sample URL: 



string currencyCode (optional) 3-char ISO currency code. If not specified, all the currencies supported by the Merchant will be returned

string cultureCode (optional) ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties (i.e. Name) will be returned in the requested culture’s language. Texts in English will be returned by default for the currencies where the texts for the requested culture are unavailable or if the cultureCode argument has not been specified


List of <Currency class>


CurrencyRates (stringsourceCurrencyCode, stringtargetCurrencyCode)

Returns the list of updated rates between the source and the target currency (if targetCurrencyCode is specified) or all the supported currencies (if targetCurrencyCode is not specified).

Sample URL:



string sourceCurrencyCode (optional) 

3-char ISO currency code. If not specified, the default Merchant’s currency will be used instead.

string targetCurrencyCode (optional) 

3-char ISO currency code. If not specified, all the rates for the currencies supported by the Merchant will be returned.


List of <CurrencyRate class>


LocationByIp (stringIP)

Returns the user’s geo-location by IP address. The merchant’s default location is returned if an IP address cannot be found (for example if a private network IP address has been specified).

The merchant-side caching policy defined by this method should be applied to the whole IP range returned for the IP address specified.

Sample URL:



string IP 

End customer’s IP address


Country class

Region class

City class

IPRange class


LocationDefaultCulture (stringcountryCode, stringregionCode, stringcityCode)

Returns the default Culture for the user’s location specified.

Sample URL:



string countryCode 

2-char ISO country code

string regionCode (optional) 

Reserved for the future use

string cityCode (optional) 

Reserved for the future use


Culture class


LocationsDefaultCulturesList ()

Returns the list of locations and their respective default Cultures. This method may be used as an alternative for calling LocationDefaultCulture for every user’s geo-location returned by the LocationByIp method.

If LocationsDefaultCulturesList returns no LocationCulture item matching Country, Region, and City determined by LocationByIp, the fallback is to use the LocationCulture item with matching Country, matching Region, and empty value for City.

If there is no LocationCulture with the matching Country and Region as well, the fallback is to use the LocationCulture item with a matching Country, empty value for Region, and empty value for City.

Sample URL:



List of <LocationCulture class>


ProductCountryS (string countryCode, List<string> productCode, string cultureCode)

Returns the list of ProductCountry objects for the list of products specified.

Sample URL: 



string countryCode 

2-char ISO country code of the end customer’s shipping country

List<string> productCode

List of SKU codes for the products involved

string cultureCode (optional) 

ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties (e.g. RestrictionMessage) will be returned in the requested culture’s language if available. Texts in English will be returned by default.


List of <ProductCountry class>


RecentProductCountryS (decimal requestId)

Returns the list of ProductCountry objects requested by the Merchant since requestId is specified.

This method may be used by the Merchants to load to their local “cache” ProductCountries storage, product “country exceptions” (product/country combinations that have commercial or regulatory country-specific restrictions, as well as any non-standard VAT rates that should be applied to the respective products in the respective EU countries).

For the first call to RecentProductCountryS, requestId=0 must be specified.

If any ProductCountry object record returned by RecentProductCountryS API is not "restricted", not "forbidden", and VATRateType's rate is equal to the respective country’s default VATRateType's rate, this indicates that this ProductCountry is “reverted” to “default” (no restrictions and default country VAT rate). In such a case, this ProductCountry should not be created in the local "cache" ProductCountries storage. If this ProductCountry already exists in the local "cache" storage, then it has to be deleted from there. Note that the IsForbidden flag actually denotes global restriction that is applied to ALL countries for the respective product. So if IsForbidden is set, it will be set for all countries, although in Global‑e core it’s actually a Product level flag (rather than ProductCountry level).

Sample URL:



decimal requestId 

Request identifier returned by the previous call


decimal RequestId

List of <ProductCountry class>


Regions (string countryCode, string cultureCode)

Returns the list of regions (states or provinces) optionally filtered by Country. The list might include only the regions for the countries where specifying a region in address is mandatory (IsStateMandatory = true).




string countryCode (optional) 

2-char ISO country code. If not specified, all the countries supported by the Merchant will be returned.

string cultureCode (optional) 

ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties (i.e. Name) will be returned in the requested culture’s language. Texts in English will be returned by default for the regions where the texts for the requested culture are unavailable or if the cultureCode argument has not been specified.


List of <Region class>


RoundingRules (string currencyCode, string countryCode)

Returns the list of rounding rules, optionally filtered by currency and country

Sample URL:



string currencyCode (optional) 3-char ISO currency code. If not specified, rounding rules for all the currencies supported by the Merchant will be returned

string countryCode (optional) 2-char ISO country code. If not specified, rounding rules for all the countries supported by the Merchant will be returned


List of <RoundingRule class>


SaveProductsList (string countryCode, List<Product> productsList, string clientIP, decimal priceCoefficientRate, Int64 includeVAT, Int64 roundingRuleId, string originalCurrencyCode, string cultureCode, string inputDataCultureCode)

Saves product data on the Global‑e system and returns the list of matching ProductCountry objects for the list of products specified. The caller is responsible for calling this method for every product not found (or invalidated) in the local cache on the Merchant side. Calling this method as soon as possible will allow Global‑e to map the products to their respective customs category and will therefore allow guaranteed landed cost offering for these products. Therefore, this method should be called when creating or updating the products on the Merchant’s back end as well.



        "ProductCode": "1020872",
        "Name": "Lanolin",
        "Description": "Breast%20Feeding%20Ointment",
        "GenericHSCode": "",
        "OriginCountryCode": "",
        "Weight": "1.0000",
        "Height": null,
        "Length": null,
        "Volume": "60",
        "ImageURL": "\/a\/3\/a3c9ef_ece3bec0467310603bce72e9a58e33d3.jpg",
        "ImageHeight": "",
        "ImageWidth": "",
        "ListPrice": "25.0000",
        "OriginalListPrice": "17.7000",
        "SalePrice": "15.0000",
        "OriginalSalePrice": "17.7000",
        "VATRateType": {
            "VATRateTypeCode": 1,
            "Name": "Low",
            "Rate": "18.0000"
        "VATCategory": {
            "VATCategoryCode": "640211",
            "Name": "Ski-boots"
        "Brand": {
            "BrandCode": "7",
            "Name": "Brand2"
        "Categories": [{
                "CategoryCode": "3",
                "Name": "Maternity"
        "Attributes": [{
                "AttributeCode": "c034",
                "Name": "Red",
                "AttributeTypeCode": "color"
            }, {
                "AttributeCode": "s23",
                "Name": "XXL",
                "AttributeTypeCode": "size"

Sample URL:



string countryCode 

2-char ISO country code of the end customer’s shipping country

List<Product> productsList

List of Product objects (specified in the request body)

string clientIP

End customer’s IP address

decimal priceCoefficientRate

Rate returned from CountryCoefficients method

Int64 includeVAT

IncludeVAT value returned from CountryCoefficients method

Int64 roundingRuleId

The RoundingRuleId value returned from the RoundingRules method

string originalCurrencyCode (optional)

3-char ISO currency code denoting the original currency on the Merchant’s site (before applying country coefficient and FX conversion). If not specified, the Merchant’s default currency will be assumed by default.

string cultureCode (optional) 

ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties (e.g. RestrictionMessage) will be returned in the requested culture’s language if available. Texts in English will be returned by default.

string inputDataCultureCode (optional) 

ISO culture code. Denotes the culture for the products’ textual properties being saved (e.g. Description). If not specified, the Merchant’s default culture will be assumed by default.


List of <ProductCountry class>


ShippingOptions (CheckoutCartInfocheckoutCartInfo, stringcartToken)

Returns all available shipping options for the cart information specified either by cartToken or by including all the relevant checkoutCartInfo details.


Sample URL for usage by checkoutCartInfo:


Body (for usage by checkoutCartInfo only):

        "ProductCode": "1020872",
        "Name": "Lanolin",
        "Description": "Breast%20Feeding%20Ointment",
        "GenericHSCode": "",
        "OriginCountryCode": "",
        "Weight": "1.0000",
        "Height": null,
        "Length": null,
        "Volume": "60",
        "ImageURL": "\/a\/3\/a3c9ef_ece3bec0467310603bce72e9a58e33d3.jpg",
        "ImageHeight": "",
        "ImageWidth": "",
        "ListPrice": "25.0000",
        "OriginalListPrice": "17.7000",
        "SalePrice": "15.0000",
        "OriginalSalePrice": "17.7000",
        "VATRateType": {
            "VATRateTypeCode": 1,
            "Name": "Low",
            "Rate": "18.0000"
        "Brand": {
            "BrandCode": "7",
            "Name": "Brand2"
        "Categories": [{
                "CategoryCode": "3",
                "Name": "Maternity"
        "OrderedQuantity": 1

Sample URL for usage by cartToken:



CheckoutCartInfo checkoutCartInfo (optional)

Full cart information.

string cartToken (optional) 

Merchants who implement API checkout only, may specify the Cart token returned by the SendCart method preceding the current method call. In this case, all other arguments will be ignored and the information stored in the respective Cart will be used instead.


List of <CheckoutShippingOption class>


VATCategoryCountryS (string countryCode, List<string> vATCategoryCode)

Returns the list of VATCategoryCountry objects for the list of VAT categories specified.

Sample URL: 



string countryCode 

2-char ISO country code of the end customer’s shipping country

List<string> vATCategoryCode (optional)

List of VATCategory codes for the VAT Categories involved. If not specified, returns the full list of VATCategoryCountry records for this country.


List of <VATCategoryCountryclass>