Checkout Methods
These methods are implemented by the Global-e extensions and plug-ins and do not need to be implemented by the brand.
The method sends the end customer’s cart contents from the Merchant’s site to Global-e and returns a unique Cart Token to be further passed by the Merchant’s site to the Global-e checkout widget or to API checkout methods.
Request Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| Class SendCartData | Details about the end customer’s cart contents from the Merchant’s site. Includes user details, product details, discount details, conversion information, vouchers, and any other information required for cart creation | Y |
Response Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
| Class CartInfo | Contains details about the end customer's cart. |
Request Body
{ "CountryCode": "AU", "ClientIP": "", "Currency": { "OriginalCurrencyCode": "GBP", "CurrencyCode": "AUD" }, "PriceModification": { "RoundingRuleId": 103, "PriceCoefficientRate": 1, "IncludeVAT": null }, "Culture": { "PreferedCultureCode": null, "InputDataCultureCode": null, "CultureCode": "en-GB" }, "LocalShippingOptions": [{ "Carrier": "globaleintegration_standard", "CarrierTitle": "globaleintegration_standard", "CarrierName": "globaleintegration_standard", "Code": "globaleintegration_standard", "Method": "globaleintegration_standard", "MethodTitle": "globaleintegration_standard", "MethodDescription": "globaleintegration_standard", "Price": 0, "IsPreferred": true } ], "MerchantCartToken":"3049549", "MerchantOrderId":"45345454", "PlatformURLs":{ "SiteURL": "", "RedirectToCartURL": "" "PaymentCallbackURL": "" }, "Products": [{ "ProductCode": "XE08801", "ProductGroupCode": null, "Name": "Socks", "URL": "", "Description": "Naturally Close 5 Pack White Value Trainer Liner Socks", "ImageURL": "", "SalePrice": "8.95", "OriginalSalePrice": "5", "SalePriceBeforeRounding": "8.905175000000000000", "LocalVATRateType": { "VATRateTypeCode": "merchantVATRateType_20", "Name": "merchantVATRateType_20", "Rate": 20, "InternalVATRateTypeId": 0 }, "OrderedQuantity": 1, "CartItemId": "111", "ImageURL":"", "IsBackOrdered":false, "IsFixedPrice":true, "ListPrice":58.2, "Attributes": [{ "AttributeCode": "color", "Name": "WHITE", "AttributeTypeCode": "color" }, { "AttributeCode": "size", "Name": "ONE SIZE", "AttributeTypeCode": "size" } ], "MetaData":{ "Attributes": [{ "AttributeKey":"earliestDeliveryDate", "AttributeValue":"1717763520" }, { "AttributeKey":"earliestShipDate" "AttributeValue":"1716985920" } ]} } } ], "CartToken": null, "MerchantCartToken": "21531332-b15f-4640-ad5e-60887271a89a", "UserDetails": { "UserId": 12345, "AddressDetails": [{ "UserId": 12345, "FirstName": "Test", "LastName": "Test-e", "Phone1": "01234567", "Email": "[email protected]", "Address1": "2-4 Test St", "City": "Alexandria", "Zip": "2015", "CountryCode": "AU", "IsShipping": true, "IsBilling": true, "IsDefaultShipping": true, "IsDefaultBilling": true } ] }, "Discounts": [], "VATRegistration": { "VatRegistrationNumber": null, "DoNotChargeVAT": false }, "rateData": "bkep2SfLA8VXnA3+mU1e16u5InvGPYAmwm7RpmXveyU=","IsMoto":1} =" }