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Documentation Portal


Integration Features



Country and Currency Switcher

Choose over 200 countries with default or free currencies (which can be replaced by a custom implementation)

Currency Conversion

View prices in local currency with up-to-date conversion rates, country coefficients, rounding rules, and currency symbols

Duty and Tax Calculations

Country and continent-specific duty and tax calculations

Delivery Cost

Dynamic delivery cost calculations based on country

Multiple Shipping Options

Country-specific shipping options from standard to express

Local Payment Methods

Choose from the most popular payment methods for each country


Manage promotions for Global‑e operated countries

Customer Service

View and manage Global-e Orders through the Customer Services Tool

High-Level Flow

Sample Reference Architecture

Integration Overview Before Global‑e

Customer Journey (Technical)
Integration Overview with GE - Customer Browsing

Integration Overview with Global‑e - Order Creation
Client-side Includes
BigCommerce Order List

BigCommerce Order Details
  • The order is created as domestic

  • The international details are stored in staff notes

Integration Overview with Global‑e
Order Dispatch

Marketing, Analytics, and Communication



Google shopping feed

Leverage existing feeds and new feeds for Global‑e operated destinations leveraging the Global‑e cartridge or price feed API

Analytics and tracking

Review current trackers and analytics integration to build the associated data layer and triggers using the Global‑e checkout callbacks

Email Communications

Transactional emails provided by Global-e and suppressed on the merchant side

All marketing material and communications remain with the brand

Analytics and Tracking Pixels - Client SDK
Conversion Tracking Server-Side

Google Analytics solution hosted by Global‑e OR through a JavaScript callback from the iframe to the container page.

gle("OnCheckoutStepLoaded", function (data) {
    switch (data.StepId) {
    case data.Steps.LOADED:
    case data.Steps.CONFIRMATION:
        if (data.IsSuccess) {
            ga('send', 'event', 'order', 'success', 'global-e');
Marketing Feeds

Adjust existing Google feed and new feed for Global‑e markets.

Order Processing

Global‑e-operated orders are created in the e-commerce platform as domestic orders (base currency) with:

  • End Customer transaction currency data

  • End Customer shipping and billing address

  • “Global-e” shipping service(s) – for warehouse dispatch routing – to be mapped in ERP

  • “Global-e” payment provider – for financial/accountancy handling – to be mapped in ERP

  • Both Global‑e and brand platform order numbers referenced on both sides

OMS/ERP Order flow: suppression of current activities on fraud, auth/capture, emails

Shipping documentation (carrier label and invoice) when provided by Global‑e entails:

→ No actual end customer address is required by the Warehouse team and systems

→ Order number documentation allows retrieving from Portal or API

Order Downstream Flow and Dispatch
Returns and Refund Management

The customer submits returns requests directly through the Global-e Returns Portal (Global-e Customer Service Portal).

The Admin can perform returns via the Global-e Merchant Portal Returns screen.

Refunds are executed either via:

→ The Global-e Customer Service Portal

→ Direct API integration with Global-e

To configure the Global-e Application
  1. From the BigCommerce left menu, select Apps > Global-e.

    The Global-e Configuration screen opens.

  2. Configure the following parameters, as required:



    Is Active

    Adds or removes the Global-e includes to or from your site.

    Select Is Active to add the Global-e script includes to your Merchant site.

    Clear the box to delete the Global-e includes from your Pla site.

    Include type

    The Global-e include types are based on the Global-e solutions (Pro, GEM). The default include type is based on the Global-e GEM solution.

    Merchant ID

    Your Merchant Account ID, as recorded in the Global-e system. Example: 899

    Modify your Merchant Account ID, if required.

    Merchant GUID

    The private key of your Merchant Account ID in the Global-e system.

    Example: F978DFEB-FF8C-4EE1-BFDA-68FB1B78E217

    Modify your Merchant Account ID private key, if required.

  3. Click SAVE.

    The Global-e scripts for BigCommerce are added to your Merchant site.