If using the GetOrdersDetails
to produce shipping documentation, consider the following fields:
Information | Field |
Exporter details (relevant EIN / EORI / VAT #) |
Importer (relevant EIN / EORI / VAT #) |
Shipper name/address | Must include a “Global‑e” mention as the exporter |
Currency |
Private import mention | Should include a “Private importer” mention |
Incoterm (DAP/DDP) |
Products |
-- COO | N/A – taken from Merchant systems |
-- HS Code | N/A – taken from merchant systems |
-- Price excluding D&T |
Shipping Cost |
If the value is 0 (free shipping), we recommend using a non-zero low value (may attract duties and taxes) By default, if the customer benefits from Free Shipping, 5 USD is added instead of declarative purposes – this can be disabled by the Global‑e team. |
Destination Tax calculation rule |
Possible values are accordingly: FOB, CIF, CIFD |
Total shipment declarative value for customs |
Calculated according to the two sub-points above to include Products, Freight, and Duties |
The Merchant OMS or WhMS should have knowledge of the following information and allow, either directly or through an escalation process, to:
Have the full list of items in the order
Enable selection of items to be dispatched
if applicable, enable the cancellation of line items
if applicable, enable the declaration of items as back-ordered
After performing the effective pick&pack and required actions in the OMS/WhMS, the following integration can be used to process the orders prior to dispatch.
The report should be sent once the pick and pack in the Merchant warehouse has been completed for the day and before the orders arrive at the Global-e hub or before the orders are prepared for international shipping by merchants fulfilling from their own warehouse.
GetOrdersDetails (OrdersDetailsFilter filter)
Returns a list of order details.
Can function with a list of Global‑e order ids.
Full post data list of Global‑e order IDs
List of MerchantOrder
{ "OrderIds":[ "GE2794623GB", "GE2794622GB", "GE2794621GB"] }
The following classes are used by this API method.
Property | Type | Description |
Code | String | Error code |
Error | String | Error messages |
Description | String | Error description |
Extends Merchant.Order
(inherits all fields from Merchant.Order
The List<Merchant.Product
> contains Merchant.ProductV2
Property | Type | Description |
DateCreated | DateTime String | Order creation date and time |
CurrencyName | String | Customer currency name |
Parcels | List | The list of parcels associated with the order |
Property | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e. |
| String | Global‑e order unique identifier. |
| String | Optional Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site returned from a previous call to |
CartId | String | Optional Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in |
CartHash (optional) | String | Cart hash originally specified in |
StatusCode | String | Code denoting the order status on the Merchant site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). |
CurrencyCode | String | 3-char ISO currency code for the order being posted. By default, this is set to the original Merchant’s currency. |
PriceCoefficientRate | Decimal |
RoundingRate | Decimal | The average conversion rate applied to the prices paid by the customer when calculating the prices paid by Global‑e to the Merchant in the original Merchant’s currency. This rate includes “FX conversion” and “marketing rounding” factors. |
UserId (optional) | String | Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site originally specified in |
ShippingMethodCode (optional) | String | Code denoting the local shipping method selected from the list of available shipping options provided in |
ClearCart | Bool | Indicates if the end customer’s cart must be cleared before this method finishes execution on the Merchant’s site. |
AllowMailsFromMerchant | Bool | Indicates if the end customer has opted for Global‑e checkout to receive emails from the Merchant. |
LoyaltyPointsSpent (optional) | Decimal | The number of loyalty points spent for this purchase. The existing loyalty points handling procedure must be applied to the end customer’s user account. Therefore, the “Loyalty points” type discount must not be applied to the order directly but can be used for display purposes elsewhere in the system (on the user’s My Account page). |
LoyaltyPointsEarned (optional) | Decima | The number of loyalty points to be earned for this purchase by the customer on the Merchant’s site, as specified in the |
LoyaltyCode (optional) | String | The loyalty code applicable to the Merchant’s site is entered by the customer in Global‑e checkout. |
SameDayDispatch (optional) | Bool | Indicates if the customer has requested a “Same Day Dispatch” in the Global‑e checkout. |
SameDayDispatchCost l (optional) | Decima | Cost of the “Same Day Dispatch” option selected by the end customer on Global‑e checkout, in the original Merchant’s currency. |
DoNotChargeVAT (optional) | Bool | Indicates if the end customer has not been charged VAT in Global‑e checkout, as specified in the |
IsFreeShipping (optional) | Bool | Indicates if the Merchant offers free international shipping to the end customer, as specified in the |
FreeShippingCouponCode (optional) | String | Merchant’s free shipping coupon code applied by the end customer, as specified in the |
ShipToStoreCode (optional) | String | Code denoting the Merchant’s store specified by the customer for “ship to shop” shipping destination (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). |
CustomerComments (optional) | String | Comments text entered by the end customer in Global‑e checkout. |
IsSplitOrder (optional) | Bool | Indicates if the order should be handled as split order (i.e. without consolidation). |
OTVoucherCode (optional) | Bool | One-time voucher code used to place the order. |
OTCurrencyCode (optional) | String | Currency of the one-time voucher code used to place the order. |
OTVoucherAmount (optional) | Decimal | Amount taken off the voucher when applicable. |
WebStoreCode (optional) | String | Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store, as specified in the |
Products | List | The list of products being purchased. |
Discounts (optional) | List | The list of discounts being applied to the order, according to the original list of discounts received in |
Markups (optional) | List | The list of markups being applied to the order, according to the Merchant shipping configuration on Global‑e. Effectively Markup is a “negative Discount”. The main use case for Markups is when the customer is charged in Global‑e checkout, a flat shipping rate, which is higher than the shipping rate, calculated for the respective order. In this case, Global‑e pays the difference to the merchant in the form of Markups applied to the order. Unlike Discounts, Markups may be only passed to the Merchant’s back-end ERP system for reconciliation purposes, and may not be displayed to the end customer. |
Customer | Merchant.Customer | The paying customer’s preferences (Global-e acts as a paying customer). |
PrimaryBilling | Merchant.CustomerDetails | Primary customer’s billing details. Primary customer denotes the paying (Global‑e) customer unless |
PrimaryShipping | Merchant.CustomerDetails | Primary customer’s shipping details. Primary customer denotes the paying (Global‑e) customer unless |
PaymentDetails | Merchant.PaymentDetails | The paying customer’s payment details. |
SecondaryBilling | Merchant.CustomerDetails | Secondary customer’s billing details. Secondary customer denotes the end customer who has placed the order with Global‑e checkout unless |
SecondaryShipping | Merchant.CustomerDetails | Secondary customer’s shipping details. Secondary customer denotes the end customer who has placed the order with Global‑e checkout unless |
InternationalDetails (optional) | Merchant.InternationalDetails | Details referring to the customer’s order placed on the Global‑e side. These details are applicable only to the Merchants dealing with international customers’ support themselves. |
DiscountedShippingPrice | Decimal | The shipping price paid by the customer is converted to the merchant currency. Total Shipping price reducing Order Discounts ( |
PrePayOffered | Bool | Indicates if the prepayment option for duties and taxes was offered to the customer. |
IsReplacementOrder | Bool | Indicates if the order is a replacement. |
OriginalOrder (optional) | Merchant.OriginalOrder | Details referring to the original order if the current order is a replacement. |
| String | Optional, returned by Order creation date and time. |
| String | Optional, returned by Customer currency name. |
| List Parcels | Optional, returned by The list of parcels created for the order. |
| decimal | Total Duties & Taxes value including Customs Clearance Fees, in the Merchant currency. This amount is the total amount, regardless of whether the customer or the Merchant paid it. |
| decimal | Sales tax value for USA in the Merchant currency. This value is included in |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| Custom attributes describe products that customers can personalize according to what the site offers. Each Attribute holds a key to specify attribute name and Value properties. | N | |
| String | Estimated date for the backordered item to be in stock | N |
| Class Merchant.Brand | Product’s brand | N |
| String | Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the | N |
| String | Identifier of the child cart item “option” on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the | N |
| List<Merchant.Category> | Product categories | N |
| Decimal | The customer VAT rate applied to this product | |
| Decimal | The product value is in Merchant currency after deducting all product and cart level discounts from the price. Product level discounts will be fully deducted from the respective product’s price and cart discounts will be prorated over all products according to the remaining value. This value can be used as the pre-calculated value for the returned product’s refund. | |
| Decimal | Product price in Merchant currency reflects the price after Reverse D&T calculation. | |
| Class DTBreakdown | Contains the duties and taxes per item in Merchant currency. | N |
| String | Product’s HS code | N |
| String | Text originally specified in the | N |
| String | Code originally specified in | N |
| Decimal | The product value in customer currency after deducting all product and cart level discounts from the price. Product level discounts will be fully deducted from the respective product’s price and cart discounts will be prorated over all products according to the remaining value. This value can be used as the pre-calculated value for the returned product’s refund. | |
| Decimal | Product price in customer currency reflects the price after Reverse D&T calculation | |
| Decimal | Product Price in Merchant currency | |
| Class DTBreakdown | Contains the duties and taxes per item in customer currency. | N |
| Decimal | Single product list price in end customer’s currency (specified in the | N |
| Decimal | Single product final sale price in end customer currency (specified in InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode property for the respective | N |
| Bool | Identifies if the product was ordered as a backed ordered item TRUE - Product is back-ordered. FALSE - Product is not back-ordered. | N |
| Decimal | Line item (product in ordered quantity) price in end customer’s currency (specified in the | N |
| Decimal | Line item (product in ordered quantity) price in the currency defined in the | N |
| Decimal | Single product List price in the currency defined in the | |
| String | Name of the product. Returned by | N |
| String | Identifier of the current item’s parent cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the | N |
P | Decimal | Single product final sale price in the currency defined in the | |
| Decimal | Single product price in the currency defined in the | N |
| Product attributes. Returned by | N | |
| Decimal | Product quantity in the order that is currently being submitted to the Merchant. | |
| Decimal | The conversion rate applied to this product price paid by the end customer when calculating the prices paid by Global‑e to the Merchant in the original Merchant’s currency. This rate includes “FX conversion” and “marketing rounding” factors. | |
| String | SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). | |
| Decimal | The VAT rate applied to this product |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Brand code | |
| String | Brand name |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Merchant category code | |
| String | Merchant category name |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Customized product attribute name, used to describe the personalized product. | |
| String | Customized product attribute, used to describe the personalized product. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Merchant | N |
| String | Discount textual description | N |
| String | Discount code originally specified in the | N |
| Enum | The enum DiscountSource has the following possible values:
| Y |
| Decimal | Discount type (“Cart”, “Shipping”, etc.), as defined in the | |
| Decimal | Discount value in end customer’s currency (specified in | N |
| Decimal | The VAT rate that would be applied to this discount if the order was placed by the local customer. This value must be specified if | N |
| String | Loyalty Voucher code originally specified in | N |
| String | Discount name | |
| Decimal | Discount value in the currency defined in the | |
| String | Identifier of the product cart item related to this discount on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the | N |
| Decimal | The VAT rate applied to this discount |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| Bool | Indicates if end customer details are “swapped” with a paying (Global‑e) customer’s details when submitting the order to the Merchant. By default, TRUE - The primary customer is the same as the end customer who has placed the order FALSE - The primary customer denotes the paying (Global‑e) customer and the secondary customer denotes the end customer who has placed the order with Global‑e checkout | |
| Bool | Indicates if e-mail confirmation of the respective order’s status change needs to be sent to the paying customer (Global‑e acts as a paying customer). |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Address line 1 | N |
| String | Address line 2 | N |
| String | Id of the current address from within the address book | N |
| String | Name of the current address from within the address book | N |
| String | City name | N |
| String | Company name | N |
| String | 2-char ISO country code | N |
| String | Country name | N |
| String | Email address | N |
| String | Fax | N |
| String | First name | N |
| String | First name in local culture | N |
| String | Last name | N |
| String | Last name in local culture | N |
| String | Middle name | N |
| String | Phone #1 | N |
| String | Phone #2 | N |
| String | Salutation or title (e.g. Dr., Mr., etc.) | N |
| Bool | Indicates that the current address should be saved in the Merchant platform | N |
| String | State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable) | N |
| String | State or province name | N |
| String | Zip or postal code | N |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Address line 1 | N |
| String | Address line 2 | N |
| String | Card number | |
| String | City name | N |
| String | 2-char ISO country code | |
| String | Country name | |
| String | Card CVV number | |
| String | E-mail address | N |
| String | Card expiration date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) | |
| String | Fax | N |
| String | Card owner’s first name | Optional if |
| String | Card owner’s last name | Optional if |
| String | Card owner’s full name (the Merchant may choose to consider either full name or first name with the last name, according to the existing payment method input validation requirements). | N |
| String | Payment method code used to identify the payment method on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). | |
| String | Payment method name | |
| String | Payment method type’s code used to identify the payment method type (such as Credit Card or Check) on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). | |
| String | Phone #1 | N |
| String | Phone #2 | N |
| String | State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable) | N |
| String | State or province name | N |
| String | Zip or postal code | N |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | The last 4 digits of the Card number (if applicable). | N |
| Decimal | The additional charge is paid by the end customer when the “Cash on Delivery” payment method has been selected. | N |
| Decimal | The consignment fee is paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by | N |
| String | 3-char ISO code for the currency selected by the end customer for the order payment. | |
| Class DTBreakdown | Contains the duties and taxes parts the customer paid for the order in the currency denoted by | N |
| Decimal | The minimum number of days for delivery to the end customer for the selected shipping method. | N |
| Decimal | The maximum number of days for delivery to the end customer for the selected shipping method. | N |
| Decimal | The price paid by the customer in local currency. Total Shipping price reducing Order Discounts International price. | |
| Bool | Indicates if the end customer has selected the “guaranteed duties and taxes” option. | |
| string | Card expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format (if applicable). | N |
| Class DTBreakdown | Contains the duties and taxes parts the Merchant subsidized for the order in the currency denoted by | N |
| String | Tracking number used by the selected international shipping method for this order. | N |
| String | Full tracking URL including | N |
| String | Waybill number used by the selected international shipping method for this order. | N |
| List<Merchant.ParcelTracking> | List of | |
| String | Code denoting the selected payment method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this payment method doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e payment method code will be specified instead. | |
| String | Name of the selected payment method. | |
| Decimal | Remote area surcharge paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by | N |
| Decimal | Cost of the “Same Day Dispatch” option (if selected by the end customer on Global‑e checkout), in the currency denoted by | N |
| String | Code denoting the selected international shipping method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method code will be specified instead. | |
| String | Name of the selected international shipping method. | |
| String | Code denoting the selected shipping status as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this shipping status doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping status code will be specified instead. | N |
| String | Name of the shipping status. | N |
| String | Code denoting the selected international shipping method type as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method type does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method type code will be specified instead. | |
| String | Name of the selected international shipping method type. | |
| Decimal | The shipping VAT rate for the customer. This rate is applied to the shipping cost. | |
| Decimal | Oversized items charge paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by | N |
| Decimal | Total Customs Clearance Fees value in the currency denoted by | N |
| Decimal | Total Duties & Taxes value including Customs Clearance Fees, in the currency denoted by | |
| Decimal | Total order price in the currency denoted by | |
| Decimal | Total shipping price in the currency denoted by | |
| Decimal | Amount of VAT paid by the customer to Global‑e | |
| String | 3-char ISO code for the currency actually used for the current order payment. | |
| Decimal | Total order price actually paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by | |
| Decimal | Sales tax value for the USA in the currency denoted by |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String |
| N |
| String |
| N |
| String | Global‑e order unique identifier for the original order. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Last known location of the shipment. | |
| String | Date and time of the shipment status update. The date is in the UTC time zone specified in RFC 2822 format (i.e. Fri, 8 Aug 2014 17:13:07 +0000). | |
| String | Code denoting the selected international shipping method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method code will be specified instead. | |
| String | Name of the selected international shipping method. | |
| String | Code denoting the selected shipping status as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this shipping status does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping status code will be specified instead. | |
| String | Name of the shipping status. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Parcel code. | |
| String | The tracking number is used by the selected international shipping method for this parcel. | |
| String | Full tracking URL including |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Parcel code. | |
| Decimal | Parcel status id. | |
| String | Parcel status name. | |
| String | Direct tracking URL. | |
| List<Merchant.ParcelProduct> | List of products included in the parcel. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Cart item id of the product. | |
| Decimal | Product quantity included in the parcel. | |
| String | Product SKU. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Address line 1 | N |
| String | Address line 2 | N |
| String | City name | N |
| String | Country name | N |
| String | 2-char ISO country code | N |
| String | First and Last name | |
| String | State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable) | N |
| String | State or province name | N |
| String | Zip or postal code | N |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | Global‑e Exporter entity registration EORI number | N |
| String | Global‑e Exporter entity IOSS number (for shipments to the EU) | N |
| String | Global‑e Exporter entity registration VAT number | N |
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| Class Merchant.ImporterAddress | Full address of the importer as the Private/Business Importer (customer) or the Global‑e Importer entity, if relevant. | N |
| String | Either the Customer Company name, if provided in the cart/checkout, or the Global‑e importer entity name for the relevant markets (eg. Switzerland) | N |
| String | The Customer tax number is provided at checkout, as required for clearance into certain markets (e.g. Brazil, Turkey). | N |
| Decimal | Importer type, depending on the order type and destination: - 0: Private importer – standard B2C shipment - 1: Global‑e Importer – specific importer mentions required | |
| String | Either. the Customer VAT Registration Number, if provided in the cart/checkout, or the Global‑e importer entity registration number for relevant markets (eg. Switzerland) | N |
Example Merchant.Order object
[ { "DateCreated": "2021-06-22T19:21:55", "CurrencyName": "Norwegian Krone", "Parcels": [], "AllowMailsFromMerchant": false, "AllowDirectCommunicationFromMerchant": false, "TnCConsent": null, "ClearCart": true, "UserId": null, "CurrencyCode": "GBP", "Products": [ { "Attributes": [ { "AttributeKey": "Size", "AttributeValue": "29" }, { "AttributeKey": "Color", "AttributeValue": "Blue" } ], "Name": "Echo Fit Compression Short", "ProductAttributes": [ { "AttributeCode": "Size", "Name": "29", "AttributeTypeCode": "size" }, { "AttributeCode": "Color", "Name": "Blue", "AttributeTypeCode": "color" } ], "Sku": "WSH07-29-Blue", "Price": 29.4200, "PriceBeforeRoundingRate": 29.4200, "PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount": 29.4200, "Quantity": 1, "VATRate": 21.000000, "CustomerVATRate": 0.0, "InternationalPrice": 299.0000, "InternationalDiscountedPriceInMerchantCurrency": 25.03, "CartItemId": "1057", "ParentCartItemId": null, "CartItemOptionId": null, "HandlingCode": "", "GiftMessage": "", "RoundingRate": 0.098394648829431438127090301, "IsBackOrdered": false, "BackOrderDate": null, "DiscountedPrice": 29.42, "InternationalDiscountedPrice": 299.0000, "ProductCodeSecondary": null, "Brand": null, "Categories": null, "ListPrice": 29.80, "InternationalListPrice": 299.00, "GenericHSCode": "620442", "DiscountedPriceForCustoms": 18.18, "InternationalDiscountedPriceForCustoms": 217.14, "IsGiftCard": false, "IsFixedPrice": false }, { "Attributes": [ { "AttributeKey": "Size", "AttributeValue": "29" }, { "AttributeKey": "Color", "AttributeValue": "Black" } ], "Name": "Echo Fit Compression Short", "ProductAttributes": [ { "AttributeCode": "Size", "Name": "29", "AttributeTypeCode": "size" }, { "AttributeCode": "Color", "Name": "Black", "AttributeTypeCode": "color" } ], "Sku": "WSH07-29-Black", "Price": 29.4200, "PriceBeforeRoundingRate": 29.4200, "PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount": 29.4200, "Quantity": 1, "VATRate": 21.000000, "CustomerVATRate": 0.0, "InternationalPrice": 299.0000, "InternationalDiscountedPriceInMerchantCurrency": 25.03, "CartItemId": "1059", "ParentCartItemId": null, "CartItemOptionId": null, "HandlingCode": "", "GiftMessage": "", "RoundingRate": 0.098394648829431438127090301, "IsBackOrdered": false, "BackOrderDate": null, "DiscountedPrice": 29.42, "InternationalDiscountedPrice": 299.0000, "ProductCodeSecondary": null, "Brand": null, "Categories": null, "ListPrice": 29.80, "InternationalListPrice": 299.00, "GenericHSCode": "620442", "DiscountedPriceForCustoms": 18.18, "InternationalDiscountedPriceForCustoms": 217.14, "IsGiftCard": false, "IsFixedPrice": false } ], "Customer": { "EmailAddress": "ema ([email protected])[email protected]"(ema.hub @ norsk -, "IsEndCustomerPrimary": true, "SendConfirmation": false }, "PrimaryShipping": { "FirstName": "a", "LastName": "Norse", "MiddleName": null, "Salutation": null, "Company": "", "Address1": "Thomas+Heftyes+Gate+8", "Address2": "", "City": "Oslo", "StateCode": null, "StateOrProvince": null, "Zip": "0264", "Email": "", "Phone1": "0000000000", "Phone2": "", "Fax": "", "CountryCode": "NO", "CountryCode3": "NOR", "CountryName": "Norway", "AddressBookId": "", "AddressBookName": "", "SaveAddress": false }, "SecondaryShipping": { "FirstName": "GlobalE", "LastName": "GE-UK@EMA-Norsk", "MiddleName": null, "Salutation": null, "Company": "", "Address1": "Building 436, Argosy Road", "Address2": "East Midlands Airport", "City": "Derby", "StateCode": "NN", "StateOrProvince": null, "Zip": "DE74 2SA", "Email": "ema.hub@nors ([email protected]) ([email protected])", "Phone1": "01332 818723", "Phone2": null, "Fax": null, "CountryCode": "GB", "CountryCode3": "GBR", "CountryName": "United Kingdom", "AddressBookId": null, "AddressBookName": null, "SaveAddress": false }, "ShippingMethodCode": "globale_standard", "Discounts": [ { "Name": "Hidden DDP", "Description": "Discount generated to discount the DDP", "Price": 13.7000, "DiscountType": 4, "VATRate": 0.000000, "LocalVATRate": 20.000000, "CouponCode": null, "InternationalPrice": 163.7200, "DiscountCode": "", "ProductCartItemId": null, "LoyaltyVoucherCode": null } ], "Markups": [], "LoyaltyPointsSpent": 0.00, "LoyaltyPointsEarned": 0.00, "SameDayDispatch": false, "SameDayDispatchCost": 0.0000, "DoNotChargeVAT": false, "CustomerComments": "", "IsFreeShipping": false, "FreeShippingCouponCode": "", "ShipToStoreCode": null, "RoundingRate": 0.098395, "UrlParameters": null, "OriginalMerchantTotalProductsDiscountedPrice": 48.0000, "LoyaltyCode": null, "OTVoucherCode": null, "OTVoucherAmount": null, "OTVoucherCurrencyCode": null, "IsSplitOrder": false, "PrePayOffered": false, "InitialCheckoutCultureCode": "en-GB", "CultureCode": "en-GB", "HubId": 9, "IsReplacementOrder": false, "OriginalOrder": null, "ReservationRequestId": null, "IsSuppressPersonalInformation": false, "TotalDutiesAndTaxesPrice": 13.70, "USSalesTax": 0.0, "CCFPrice": 0.0, "ExporterDetails": { "VATRegistrationNumber": "177 9006 80", "EORINumber": 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