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Once Global‑e creates the order on SAP Hybris, it adds an extra tab called 'Global‑e order' to the order details. The Global‑e tab contains Global‑e-specific information, such as order IDs, international processes, order tracking URLs, and currencies.

A typical Global‑e order ID contains a GE prefix and ends with the customer's two-letter country code. For instance: GE1234567GB.

Viewing Orders

Once Global‑e creates the order on SAP Hybris, it adds an extra tab called 'Global‑e order' to the order details. The Global‑e tab contains Global‑e-specific information, such as order IDs, international processes, order tracking URLs, and currencies.

Global‑e Order Screen (Tab)


Global‑e Order ID


To search for Global-e orders in Backoffice, use the Hybris OrderID or the Global-e OrderID starting with GE.

You can also view Global-e orders in the Customer Services Tools.

Searching for Global‑e Orders

You can find Global-e orders by running a search in Backoffice using the Hybris OrderID or Global-e OrderID starting with GE. You can also view Global-e orders by using the Customer Services Tools.

Order Details

To manage Global-e orders and view Order Details:

  1. Log in to Backoffice.

  2. From the Backoffice Explorer (left menu), select Orders.

  3. At the top of the main area, to the left of the Order field, click image46.png (magnifying glass).

  4. Select Order > Global‑e Order.

    The attribute screen opens showing the Global-E OrderId.

  5. Enter the Global‑e OrderID and click Search.


    An overview of the order is displayed.

  6. Click the Positions and Prices tab.

    This tab shows:

    • A line item for each product.

    • The delivery cost and total price are in international currency.

    • Product details, such as the base price in merchant currency.

    Positions and Prices Screen (Tab)

  7. Click the Global‑e Order tab.

    This tab shows additional information about the order. For example, the Duties and Discounts applied to shipping.

    Global‑e Order Screen (Tab)


    Note the Global‑e order ID.

  8. Double-click a product line.

    The Global‑e Properties show the base price of the product and the currency (supported by the merchant),

    The vatRate that is shown is the Global-e vatRate.


To view Global-e orders using the Customer Services Tools:

  1. Log in to Backoffice as a Customer Services Agent.

  2. Search for a Global‑e order:

    1. Click the Orders tab.

    2. Repeat steps 1 - 4 in the previous procedure.

Now you can see that:

  • The Order Status shows that the order is managed by Global-e.

  • The Order Details tab shows the details of the order.

  • A Global‑e Order tab is also added to the Customer Services Tools

Order Status

The order is created in the status 'Pending' (Global-e custom order status field).

'Pending' indicates that Global‑e still checks for fraud.

Approve order - When the fraud check is complete, the status change to 'processing/Paid'.

Cancel order - Global‑e cancels the order if the fraud check fails.