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Global-e offers two installation scripts:

Global-e Accelerator Recipe Installation: Run the automatic Global-e Accelerator Recipe on your Hybris Test Site when installing the Global-e Add-on for the first time. This allows Global-e to identify potential overlaps with your current customization.

Manual Installation: Run the manual installation to start the integration with an existing Hybris project: Pull the Global-e extensions, include them in the project repository, and then configure the Global-e Add-on.


The Global-e add-on setup requires a Global-e merchant account.

Supported Versions: Supported SAP Hybris version: 22.05.

Global-e Accelerator Recipe Installation

The Global-e accelerator lets you discover the functionality of the platform.

Recipe automates the platform code build and initializes the accelerator sites.

The Recipe installation procedure is only performed when installing the add-on the first time (generally, in the testing environment).

To install the Global-e Add-on with Recipe:

  1. Configure the database, user, and permissions:

    mysql> create database globale;
    mysql> create user 'globale';
    mysql> grant all on globale.* to 'globale'@'%' identified by 'globale';
  2. Unzip the SAP Commerce distribution ZIP archive.

  3. Copy the mysql db driver to:

  4. Copy globale recipe to the SAP Commerce installer:

    cp -r ${PATH_TO_GLOBALE_REPO}/y-config/installer/recipes/* ${PATH_TO_HYBRIS_UNPACKED}/installer/recipes"
  5. Create symlinks:

    ln -sfn ${PATH_TO_GLOBALE_REPO}/y-ext ${PATH_TO_HYBRIS_UNPACKED}/hybris/bin/globale"

    Now, the source code is linked to the SAP commerce suite ready to build.

  6. Build and initialize:

    cd ${PATH_TO_HYBRIS_UNPACKED}/hybris/bin/platform 
    ant clean -Dinput.template=develop  
    ${PATH_TO_HYBRIS_UNPACKED}/installer/ -r globale initialize
  7. Configure the Global-e Add-on. See Configure the Global-e Add-on.

Manual Installation

For an existing Hybris integration, use the manual Global-e Add-on installation.

To place a call manually (without a recipe):

  1. Open the localextensions.xml file and add the following Global-e extensions:

    <extension name='globalecore' />
    <extension name='globalefacades' />
    <extension name='globaleaddon' />
    <extension name='globaleendpoint' />
    <extension name='globalepromotions' />
    <extension name='globalebackoffice' />
  2. Install the globaleaddon:

    ant addoninstall -Daddonnames=globaleaddon - DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront=STOREFRONTNAME
  3. Configure the Global-e Add-on. See Configure the Global-e Add-on.

Configure the Global-e Add-on

The Global-e Add-on deploys these main configuration files.

  • hybris/config/ - the file containing all the configuration properties (UID, GUID, feature toggles)

  • hybris/config/localextensions.xml - the file containing the list of modules and extensions (globalecoreglobalefacades, globaleaddon, and so on).

To configure the Global-e Add-on:

  1. Open the configuration file.

  2. Add your Global-e Merchant credentials:


Your Global-e Merchant ID.




Your Global-e Merchant GUID.

Note that you receive a different GUID for staging and production. Make sure to use the correct GUID.



Example: globale.merchant.guid.electronics='832e6cd1-34c1-4abe-b758-b5dca62f54bd'

Additional Settings
globale.client.js.domain = '' 
globale.client.js.path = '/scripts/merchants/globale.merchant.client.js'
Global-e Enabled
globale.enabled = true = false
API Call Timeout = '6000'
API Connections
globale.api.connect.timeout = '1000' = '100' = '200'
Send Products
globale.send.products.batch.size = '10'
Country Code = 'GB'
Language = 'true' = 'en'