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Accessing the Customization Page

Before customizing your page configurations, you must access the Customization page.

To access the Customization page
  1. From the top menu, navigate to Configuration > Customization.

    The following page is displayed.


    Site Customization Main Page

  2. Configure the elements above according to the table below.





Welcome Popup tab

Lets you view, modify, and manage elements related to your Welcome popup screen.


Switcher Popup tab

Lets you view, modify, and manage elements related to your Switcher Popup screen.


Free Shipping Banner tab

Lets you view and modify your shipping banner page configuration.


Checkout tab

Lets you you configure your checkout page.

Configuring Your Welcome Popup Page

From here you can view, modify, and manage elements related to your Welcome popup screen. This page includes a text editor containing some default template text to display as your site’s popup message. It also includes a Preview panel located to the right of the text editor.

To configure your Welcome popup screen
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Customization from the top menu.

  2. Modify the following elements:

    • Default language setting menu located above the Preview panel.

    • Automatic text (optional) to be used in your welcome popup message.

    • Design settings (show/hide your logo).

    • Preview options (Free Shipping and Duties at Checkout).

    • Button message and formatting.

    • Normal and hover mode text, body, and border color settings.


      You can reset your settings to their default configurations by clicking Reset to default at the bottom of the page.

Configuring Your Switcher Popup Page

From here you can view, modify, and manage elements related to your Switcher Popup screen. This page includes a text editor containing some default template text to display as your site’s popup message. It also includes a Preview panel located to the right of the text editor.

Configure your switcher screen
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Site Customization from the top menu.

  2. Click Switcher Popup.

  3. Modify the following design elements as needed:

    • Text editor

    • Design settings

  4. Click Save or Cancel.

Configuring Your Shipping Banner Page

From here you can view and modify your shipping banner page configuration. A live preview of your configurations is displayed on the right side of the page.

Note that you can reset your settings to their default configurations by clicking Reset to default at the bottom of the page.

Configure your checkout page
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Site Customization from the top menu.

  2. Select a merchant from the merchant menu.

  3. Click Free Shipping Banner.

  4. Click Show banner on website.

  5. Modify the Design settings section as needed.

  6. Modify your list of countries (optional):

    1. Click list of countries.

    2. Select all of the relevant countries.

    3. Click OK.

  7. Enter the text of your shipping banner message in the text field.


    The text in the curly brackets pulls information from a database.

  8. Create an additional group of countries (optional):

    1. Click Create additional group of countries.

    2. Select a continent from the map.

    3. Select your countries from the Create a new group of countries panel.

    4. Click OK.

  9. Click Save.

Configuring Your Checkout Page

From here you configure your checkout page. A preview of your banner is displayed on the right side of the screen.

Note that you can reset your settings to their default configurations by clicking Reset to default at the bottom of the page.

Configure your shipping banner screen
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Site Customization from the top menu.

  2. Select a merchant from the merchant menu.

  3. Click Checkout.

  4. Modify the following design settings as needed:

    • Logo

    • Title bars and footer

    • Text

    • Buttons

    • Total price

  5. Click Save.