The following classes are used by the API methods defined further in this document.
string UserIdNumber
User’s personal ID document number
UserDIdNumberType UserIdNumberType
User’s personal ID document type (e.g. Passport, ID card, etc.)
string FirstName
First name
string LastName
Last name
string FirstNameInLocalCulture
First name in local culture
string LastNameInLocalCulture
Last name in local culture
string MiddleName
Middle name
string Salutation
Salutation or title (e.g. Dr., Mr., etc.)
string Phone1
Phone #1
string Phone2
Phone #2
string Fax
string Email
E-mail address
string Company
Company name
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string City
City name
string StateOrProvice
State or province name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
bool IsShipping
Indicates that the current address can be used as a shipping address
bool IsBilling
Indicates that the current address can be used as a billing address
bool IsDefaultShipping
Indicates that the current address is the default shipping address
bool IsDefaultBilling
Indicates that the current address is the default billing address
string AddressBookId
Id of the current address from within the address book
string AddressBookName
Name of the current address from within the address book
string PaymentActionURL
The URL to the alternative payment gateway. The gateway will provide the GUI for the payment.
string PaymentActionMethod
The method (SEN/POST/Redirect) that should be used for PaymentActionURL.
Dictionary<string, string> PaymentActionParameters
The parameters that should be provided with the PaymentActionURL.
string ResponseURL
The response may be optionally called after completing an alternative payment to retrieve details about the newly created order.
string Value
Application setting value
Dictionary<string, AppSetting> ClientSettings
Dictionary of client-side settings
Dictionary<string, AppSetting> ServerSettings
Dictionary of server-side settings
Name | Type | Description |
Value | string | Application setting value |
string WebClientVersion
Version identifier of Global-e client-side (JS) code.
string APIVersion
Version identifier of Global-e API.
string AttributeCode
Custom attribute code denoting a Merchant-specific attribute such as size, color, etc. (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Attribute name
string AttributeTypeCode
Code used to identify the attribute type on the Merchant’s site such as “size” for size, “color” for color, etc. (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string BrandCode
Brand code on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Brand name
string Code
City code (unique in the respective Region)
string Name
City name
string CultureCode
ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties will be returned in the requested culture’s language if available. Texts in English will be returned by default.
string InputDataCultureCode
ISO culture code. Denotes the culture for the products’ textual properties being saved (e.g. Description). If not specified, the Merchant’s default culture will be assumed by default.
string PreferedCultureCode
ISO culture code. Denotes the preferred culture for the checkout page. If not specified, the Merchant’s default culture will be used by default
string currencyCode
3-char ISO currency code denoting the end customer’s currency. If not specified, the Merchant’s default currency will be assumed by default.
string originalCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code denoting the original currency on the Merchant’s site (before applying country coefficient and FX conversion). If not specified, the Merchant’s default currency will be assumed by default.
bool IsFreeShipping
Indicates if the Merchant offers free international shipping to the end customer.
string FreeShippingCouponCode
Merchant’s free shipping coupon code applied by the end customer.
string CartToken
Cart token for the cart generated on Global‑e side by SendCart
method (further on to be passed by the Merchant’s site to Global‑e checkout widget or to API checkout methods)
string LoyaltyCode
Loyalty code applicable to the Merchant’s site entered by the end customer in Global‑e checkout
decimal LoyaltyPointsSpent
The number of loyalty points spent for this purchase. The existing loyalty points handling procedure must be applied to the end customer’s user account. Therefore, the “Loyalty points” type discount must not be applied to the order directly but can be used for display purposes elsewhere in the system (i.e. on the end user’s My Account page)
decimal LoyaltyPointsEarned
The number of loyalty points to be earned for this purchase by the end customer on the Merchant’s site, as specified in the loyaltyPointsEarned
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global-e.
decimal LoyaltyPointsTotal
The total number of loyalty points currently available in the end customer’s user account on the Merchant’s site.
string OTVoucherCode
One-time voucher code for the cart (for applicable platforms)
decimal OTVoucherAmount
Amount of the one-time voucher in otVoucherCurrencyCode
string OTVoucherCurrencyCode
One-time voucher currency used for the amount
Int64 RoundingRuleId
(optional for the merchants not supporting browsing integration)
The RoundingRuleId value returned from the RoundingRules
decimal priceCoefficientRate
(optional for the merchants not supporting browsing integration)
The rate returned from the CountryCoefficients
Int64 IncludeVAT
(optional for the merchants not supporting browsing integration)
The IncludeVAT
value returned from the CountryCoefficients
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site.
List<AddressDetails> AddressDetails
All available addresses are taken from the registered customer address book
string VatRegistrationNumber
VAT Registration Number of the end customer’s business entity validated with the merchant.
bool DoNotChargeVAT
Indicates if the end customer must not be charged VAT. This is usually set to TRUE for registered users who have validated their business entity’s VAT Registration Number with the merchant and are therefore VAT exempted.
List<LoyaltyVoucher> LoyaltyVouchers
List of available loyalty vouchers for the registered customer
CartOTVoucherData OTVoucher
One-time voucher information
string CategoryCode
Category code on the Merchant site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Category name
enum PaymentSecureGatewayTypes GatewayTyp
Specifies the gate wat API type.
string ChallengeURL
The URL for the challenge request to the gateway.
string PaReq
The payment request string is one of the parameters to be sent with the ChallengeURL.
string MD
Another parameter that to be sent with the ChallengeURL. That data will be returned by the gateway with the request to TermURL.
string TermURL
Another parameter that to be sent with the ChallengeURL. This is the server side URL that will be called on the response of the gateway to provide the 3DS authorization result.
string ResponseURL
The URL that should be called by the client with the POST request to finalize the SendOrder
string ResponseData
The data that should be passed with the request to ResponseURL.
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string City
City name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string OwnerName
Card owner’s full name
string CardNumber
Card number
string CVVNumber
Card CVV number
string ExpirationDate
Card expiration date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
string Name
Name of the checkout field in English.
string NameInCulture
Name of the checkout field in the checkout culture.
string Type
Type of the field (string, numeric, list).
string DescriptionInCulture
Additional textual information about the field (to be used as a watermark, tooltip, and more).
string Regex
For textual fields, if applicable, a regex indicating the required field validation (preferably on the client side).
string DefaultValue
In some cases, some fields should be prefilled with default values (for example, Hong Kong city in the Hong Kong country).
int MaxLength
The maximum amount of characters allowed for a textual field (string). If it is not textual, this field is null.
bool IsRequiredForOrder
If TRUE, this field is mandatory before trying to complete or pay an order.
bool IsRequiredForShipping
If TRUE, this field is mandatory for final shipping prices (due to remote area surcharge, which requires additional information and not just the country).
This setting applies to City and ZipCode or if the merchant chooses not to subsidize the remote area surcharge.
bool IsRequiredForTaxes
If TRUE, this field is mandatory for tax calculation. After all field settings are TRUE and have values, the UpdateAddress method returns the tax information.
Depending on the shipping country, this setting can be TRUE for: State, City, Address1, Address2, ZipCode (for example, the US sales tax uses the street name to calculate the actual tax cost).
string CartToken
Unique identifier for the cart generated on the Global-e side. This identifier is required for additional checkout calls
List<Product> RestrictedProducts
List of products that cannot be shipped to the current shipping destination due to restriction. This list only returns the following properties for each product:
ProductCode (SKU)
CartItemId (unique identifier on the merchant side)
If this list contains restricted products, all other lists in the response are empty.
List<CheckoutShippingOption> ShippingOptions
List of shipping options that are available to the customer.
Each shipping option that supports pre-payment of duties and taxes also includes the calculated duties and taxes.
List<CheckoutPaymentMethod> PaymentMethods
List of payment methods that are available to the customer.
Each payment method includes an icon representing the payment method that can be displayed on the checkout page and information indicating if the payment method involves a credit/debit card or an alternative payment option.
List<Country> Countries
List of all the countries supported by the merchant. Each country has a flag to show whether it is operated by Global-e.
List<CheckoutField> CheckoutFields
Information required to populate and display the relevant address and customer fields on the checkout page.
Each field displays information, validation information, and flags indicating which process requires a value in the field.
bool IsAllCartRestricted
If the entire cart contains restricted products that cannot be shipped to the current shipping destination, this value is TRUE; the message shown to the customer varies according to the merchant’s preferences.
When calling UpdateAddress, this field returns null.
List<Product> productsList
List of Product objects (specified in the request body)
string clientIP
The end customer’s IP address
string countryCode
2-char ISO country code of the shipping country either pre-defined using geo-location or actively selected by the end customer. This may be different from shippingDetails
. CountryCode
property denoting the registered user’s country defined below.
UserDetails shippingDetails
Shipping details of a registered user (if available on the Merchant’s site). If userDetails
property mentioned below is specified then shippingDetails
will be ignored.
If countryCode
argument defined above is not specified, the shipping country must be specified in shippingDetails.CountryCode property. If not specified neither in countryCode argument nor in shippingDetails.CountryCode property, clientIP argument defined above becomes mandatory and will be used to determine the end user’s shipping country by Global‑e system.
UserDetails billingDetails
Billing details of a registered user (if available on the Merchant’s site). If the userDetails
property mentioned below is specified then billingDetails
will be ignored.
CartUserDetails userDetails
All available details of the user including all relevant addresses. If userDetails
is not specified then shippingDetails
and billingDetails properties will be used instead. userDetails property can be used by merchants who support multiple shipping and/or multiple billing addresses in user’s account.
Int64 includeVAT
(optional for the merchants not supporting browsing integration)
value returned from CountryCoefficients
List<Discount> discountsList
List of JSON-serialized Discounts to be applied to the cart. Discounts of any type (“cart”, “shipping”, etc.) may be specified.
string currencyCode
3-char ISO currency code denoting the end customer’s currency. If not specified, the Merchant’s default currency will be assumed by default.
string originalCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code denoting the original currency on the Merchant’s site (before applying country coefficient and FX conversion). If not specified, the Merchant’s default currency will be assumed by default.
string cultureCode
ISO culture code. If specified, the textual properties will be returned in the requested culture’s language if available. Texts in English will be returned by default.
List<ShippingOption> shippingOptionsList
(optional in GetCheckoutCartInfo
List of JSON-serialized Shipping Options available for local shipping of the order from the Merchant to Global‑e’s Local Hub previously returned by ActiveHubDetails
If the “globaleintegration_standard
” shipping method has been created and enabled for Global‑e on the Merchant’s site, Global‑e will prefer this Shipping Option when posting the order back to the Merchant’s site (using SendOrderToMerchant
API method). Therefore, all other shipping methods available for local shipping may be omitted in shippingOptionsList
Int64 hubId
Identifier of the Global‑e’s Local Hub previously returned by ActiveHubDetails
method. If not specified, the default Merchant’s Hub will be used instead.
decimal loyaltyPointsTotal
The total number of loyalty points currently available in the end customer’s user account on the Merchant’s site.
decimal loyaltyPointsEarned
The number of loyalty points to be earned for this purchase by the end customer on the Merchant’s site.
decimal loyaltyPointsSpent
The number of loyalty points to be spent for this purchase by the end customer on the Merchant’s site.
string loyaltyCode
The loyalty code specified by the end customer (or read from the end customer’s account) on the Merchant’s site.
string vatRegistrationNumber
VAT Registration Number of the end customer’s business entity validated with the merchant.
bool doNotChargeVAT
Indicates if the end customer must not be charged VAT. This is usually set to TRUE for registered users who have validated their business entity’s VAT Registration Number with the merchant and are therefore VAT exempted.
Indicates if the Merchant offers free international shipping to the end customer.
string freeShippingCouponCode
Merchant’s free shipping coupon code applied by the end customer.
string paymentInstallments
List of available payment instalmentinstallmentamounts.
Example: {2,4,6,8} – This indicates that we should allow instalmentsinstallmentsin 2, 4, 6 or 8 instalmentinstallmentoptions (to be selected by the customer)
List<KeyValuePair> urlParameters
List of JSON-serialized KeyValuePairs
that denote parameter values to be specified in the respective Merchant’s REST API action URLs. For example, to instruct Global‑e to include “en-AU” locale in the SendOrderToMerchant call for this cart, urlParameters should include the following KeyValuePair: [{"Key":"locale", "Value":"en-AU"}]. In this example “locale” parameter should be configured for SendOrderToMerchant URL for this merchant on the Global‑e side.
string otVoucherCode
One-time voucher code for the cart (for applicable platforms)
string otVoucherCurrencyCode
One-time voucher currency used for the amount
decimal otVoucherAmount
Amount of the one-time voucher in otVoucherCurrencyCode
string rateData
(optional, irrelevant for GetCheckoutCartInfo
method response)
Currency data used by Global‑e to verify the currency rate. Return the value received in the used currency rate.
string webStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of a multi-store setup on the merchant’s site.
string webStoreInstanceCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store instance where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of multi-store domains set up on the merchant’s site.
LoyaltyPoints LoyaltyPoints
Holds information on the registered user for applying loyalty points on the checkout page.
string merchantCartHash
Hash optionally generated by the merchant, to be returned to the merchant with an order API call. This hash may be used for additional cart and order validation purposes on the Merchant’s side.
bool allowMailsFromMerchant
Indicates if the end customer’s consent to receive emails from merchants should be pre-selected in the Global‑e checkout.
string MerchantOrderId
The merchant order id, if it is already known, at the point when the user is still in the cart page on the merchant’s store.
Dictionary<string, string> CardFields
The gift card fields filled in the checkout
ValidateGiftCardResponse ValidationResult
The gift card validation result
string PaymentMethodId
Unique identifier of the payment method in the Global-e system
string Name
Payment method name
bool IsCard
Indicates if this payment method denotes a card (rather than an alternative payment method)
string Icon
URL Full URL of the icon image for this payment method
string ShippingMethodId
Unique identifier of the shipping method in the Global-e system
string ShippingMethodTypeName
Shipping method type name
decimal Price
Shipping price in end customer currency for this cart
Shipping price in end customer currency for this cart, before applying shipping discounts
Int64 DeliveryDaysFrom
Minimum number of days for delivery to the end customer’s shipping country for this shipping option
Int64 DeliveryDaysTo
Maximum number of delivery days to the end customer’s shipping country for this shipping option
bool SupportsDDP
Indicates if taxes & duties may be prepaid for this shipping option
Int64 ForceDDP
One of the following possible values of ForceDDPTypes
enumeration denoting a type of DDP enforcement for this shipping option (applicable only if SupportsDDP
is set to TRUE):
ForceDDPType Option Value | Name | Description |
0 | Do Not Force DDP | Pre-payment of taxes & duties must NOT be forced. |
1 | Force DDP | Pre-payment of taxes & duties must be forced. The cost should be paid by the end customer. |
2 | Hidden Force DDP | Pre-payment of taxes & duties must be forced. The cost should be subsidized by the Merchant. |
bool CanPrePay
Indicates if taxes & duties have been successfully calculated for this cart and can be prepaid
decimal TaxesValue
Taxes & duties value in the end customer’s currency for this cart
decimal ClearanceFeesValue
Clearance fees value in the end customer’s currency for this cart
string Code
2-char ISO country code
string Name
Country name
string SiteURL
URL of a country-specific site owned by the merchant. Used to allow redirection to the merchant’s country-specific domain for a selected country.
bool IsStateMandatory
TRUE if State or province (region) is mandatory for addresses in this country.
bool IsOperatedByGlobalE
Flag to be used as a Mode indicator. Countries that are not operated by Global‑e must still be available for selection as a shipping destination on the merchant site. However Global‑e functionality must be disabled for such countries.
string DefaultCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code
VATRateType DefaultVATRateType
Default (most widely used) VAT rate type or class for this country.
bool UseCountryVAT
TRUE if VAT rate specific to this shipping country must be applied to the product prices. Otherwise, VAT rates defined for the products on the merchant’s site must be used. This setting is used to support trade agreements between the countries such as EEA, when the end customer must pay VAT for the shipping country in certain cases.
bool SupportsFixedPrices
TRUE if fixed product prices are allowed for this country. Product prices may be fixed only in the Default Currency for this Country.
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string ProductClassCode
Product class code used by the merchant to classify products for using different country coefficient rates per classes of products instead of the single country level default (when no rate is defined for a certain product class, the country level default rate should be used by the merchant for the respective product).
decimal Rate
Country Coefficient rate decimal value. All the prices displayed to the end customer shipping to the country involved must be multiplied by this value.
decimal CoefficientWithVATType
Depending on VATRateType
. This value is calculated as follows:
“HideVAT “→
= Country coefficientVATType = “PocketVAT” →
= Country coefficient * Origin Country (Merchant Country) VAT rateVATType = “ForceVAT “→
= Country coefficient * Destination country VAT rateIf Merchant Account Settings “DisableVATAdjustmentForShopifyCoefficient“ = True →
= Country Coefficient
Int64 IncludeVAT
This attribute is applicable only to the Country level (i.e. not applicable to the ProductClass
One of the possible values of IncludeVATOptions
enumeration is designated to control the way VAT is handled in browsing on the Merchant’s site and in checkout on Global‑e.
Following is the list of IncludeVATOptions
values and the expected results for the sample Product.
In the table below we are considering a product with the original cost in the UK = 100 GBP before VAT to be shipped to Germany (with country coefficient Rate=1 and user selected currency=GBP, for simplicity).
For this sample product UK VAT=20%, DE Duties Total=17%:
IncludeVAT Option Value | Description | Price In Browsing | Price In Checkout | Price Paid To Merchant (incl. VAT) | Checkout Duties Total | Checkout Total |
0 | Hide VAT (default) | 100 | 100 | 120 | 17 | 117 |
2 | Show VAT | 120 | 100 | 120 | 17 | 117 |
4 | “Pocket” VAT (increase the original price by the value of the respective product’s VAT) | 120 | 120 | 144 | 20.4 (17%) | 140.4 |
6 | Force VAT (used to support trade agreements between the countries such as EEA, when the end customer must pay VAT; for simplicity assuming | 120 | 120 | 120 | 0 | 120 |
8 | Force & Hide VAT (used to support trade agreements between the countries such as EEA, when end customer must pay VAT but VAT is not shown in browsing; for simplicity assuming | 100 | 120 | 120 | 0 | 120 |
string CCAuthorizationToken
bool IsTaxPrePaid
string ExternalOperationId
string Source
eSyncOrderType OrderType
CreateOrderFinalCustomerPayments CustomerPayments
decimal Duties
decimal Taxes
decimal CustomClearanceFee
decimal ShippingPrice
string Code
ISO culture code
string Name
Culture name
string LocalizedName
Culture name in the respective language, such as “עברית” for he-IL (Hebrew-Israel) culture
bool IsRTL
TRUE for “right-to-left” languages such as Hebrew and Arabic
string Code
3-char ISO currency code
string Name
Currency name
string Symbol
Currency symbol (e.g. $ for USD)
Int64 MaxDecimalPlaces
The number of decimal places indicating the fractional (“cents”) part of the price. For example, Bahraini Dinar “cents” has 3 decimal places, US Dollar has 2, and Japanese Yen has 0.
long DisplayDecimalPlaces
The number of decimal places indicating the fractional (“cents”) part of the price. For example, Bahraini Dinar “cents” has 3 decimal places, US Dollar has 2, and Japanese Yen has 0.
string CurrencySymbol
Currency symbol (e.g. $ for USD)
string SourceCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code.
string TargetCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code
decimal Rate
Currency rate decimal value
string RateData
Currency data used by Global‑e to verify the rate
string AttributeKey
Custom product attribute name that is used for product personalization by the end customer (e.g. engraving)
string AttributeValue
Custom product attribute value that is used for product personalization by the end customer (e.g. engraving).
string CountryCode
string ProvinceCode
string PostalCode
string City
string Address1
string Address2
string ParcelCode
Code used to identify the Parcel on the Merchant’s site
string CommercialInvoiceNumber
Commercial invoice number of the parcel if it exists on the parcel level, otherwise order commercial invoice number. Can be null if a commercial invoice does npt exist for the order.
string TotalValue
Value of all products in the parcel
string CurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code
decimal DutiesValue
Value of the duties according to the cart details including the respective shipping option price
decimal TaxesValue
Value of the taxes (VAT/sales tax/GST) according to the cart details including the respective shipping option price
decimal OriginalDiscountValue
Discount value in original Merchant currency including the local VAT, before applying any price modifications. This property always denotes the discount value in the default Merchant’s country, regardless of UseCountryVAT
for the end customer’s current country.
decimal VATRate
The VAT rate applied to this discount
decimal LocalVATRate
VAT rate that would be applied to this discount if the order was placed by the local customer. This value must be specified if UseCountryVAT
for the current Country is TRUE and therefore VATRate
property denotes the VAT for the target country.
decimal DiscountValue
Discount value as displayed to the customer, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion and IncludeVAT
string Name
Discount name
string Description
Discount textual description
string CouponCode
Merchant CouponCode
used for this discount (applicable to coupon-based discounts only)
string ProductCartItemId
Identifier of the product cart item related to this discount on the Merchant’s site. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart
method only so that the same value could be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
string DiscountCode
Discount code used to identify the discount on the Merchant’s site. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart
method only, so that the same value could be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
string LoyaltyVoucherCode
Code used on the Merchant’s site to identify the Loyalty Voucher that this discount is based on
Int64 DiscountType
One of the following possible values of DiscountTypeOptions
enumeration denoting a type of discount:
DiscountType Option Value | Name | Description |
1 | Cart discount | Discount related to volume, amount, coupon or another promotion value. |
2 | Shipping discount | Discount aimed to sponsor international shipping. |
3 | Loyalty points discount | Discount applied against the Merchant’s loyalty points to be spent for this purchase. |
4 | Duties discount | Discount aimed to sponsor taxes & duties pre-paid by the end customer in Global‑e checkout. |
5 | Checkout Loyalty Points Discount | Discount applied against the Merchant’s loyalty points in Global‑e checkout. |
6 | Payment Charge | Discount aimed to sponsor “Cash on Delivery” fee. |
One of the following possible values of CalculationModeOptions
enumeration denoting the calculation mode of a discount to be implemented by GEM:
CalculationMode Option Value | Name | Description |
1 (default) | Percentage discount | The discount value specified in Note: The discount value provided is not a percentage. It represents the discount amount in your domestic currency. The ratio of the discount amount to the domestic price is calculated in the shopper's currency. This same ratio is then applied and deducted in the shopper's currency. |
2 | Fixed in original currency | The discount value specified in OriginalDiscountValue denotes the fixed value in the merchant’s currency. When calculating the discount’s |
3 | Fixed in customer currency | The discount value specified in |
decimal Duties
Duties that are applied.
decimal SalesTaxes
Sales taxes that are applied.
decimal Other
Optional. Other DT fees that are applied.
string Code
Error code
string Error
Error message
string Description
Error description
None = 0,
Raffle = 1,
FlashSale = 2,
Collection = 3
decimal Duties
decimal Taxes
decimal CustomClearanceFee
decimal ShippingPrice
decimal Total
List<string> OrderIds
The list of order ids to manifest.
List<string> MerchantOrderIds
The list of merchant order ids to manifest
string HubCode
The Merchant hub code that indicates which hub the parcels or orders are being dispatched from.
NOTE: hubCode
should be mapped to a Global‑e hubId
on the Global‑e side.
Int OuterBoxesAmount
The amount of outer boxes that are used through the manifest processing for DispatchConsolidateShipment
CardData This model will be used for most calls where multiple cards will be passed
Int64 CardId
id of the card in the DB table on the Global‑e side
decimal BalanceInGiftCardCurrency
Total available amount in gift card currency
decimal BalanceInCustomerCurrency
Total available amount in customer currency
decimal BalanceUsedInCardCurrency
Amount to redeem in gift card currency
decimal BalanceUsedInCustomerCurrency
Amount to redeem in gift user currency
string GiftCardCurrencyCode
Gift card currency code
string CustomerCurrencyCode
User currency code (checkout currency)
Dictionary<string,string> CardFields
Key value pairs of each field defined in the configuration
string RedeemTransactionId
The value that is set as a result of card redemption (should be provided by the platform)
decimal RefundedBalanceInCustomerCurrency
The amount of refunded money in customer currency
decimal RefundedBalanceInGiftCardCurrency
The amount of refunded money in gift card currency
bool IsRefundSuccess
The flag about refund status should be set to true if the refund is successfully applied to the gift card. If the refund failed, it should be set to false. If there is no refund on the card, it should be NULL.
string ErrorCode
Code of the error
string ErrorText
Error message
Int64 HubId
Hub identifier on Global‑e system
string HubName
Name of the Hub
string CountryName
Country name
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string StateOrProvice
State or province name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string City
City name
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string Phone1
Phone #1
string Phone2
Phone #2
string Fax
string Email
E-mail address
string cartToken
Cart token for the cart generated on the Global‑e side.
List<MerchantCartProductResponse> merchantCartProduct
List of products with calculated international prices.
List<MerchantCartDiscountResponse> merchantCartDiscounts
List of discounts with calculated international prices.
CurrencyLocale CurrencyLocale
Currency price display formatting information according to the received cultureCode
string OrderId
Global‑e’s order id
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory (Y/N) |
| String | The last 4 digits of the Card number (if applicable). | N |
| String | 3-char ISO currency code. | Y |
| Bool | Indicates if the end customer has selected the “guaranteed duties and taxes” option. | Y |
| String | The card expiration date, in YYYY-MM-DD format (if applicable). | N |
| String | Tracking number used by the selected international shipping API for this order. Max length: 50 chars. | N |
| String | Full tracking URL including Max length: 255 chars. | N |
| String | Waybill number used by the selected international shipping API for this order. | N |
| String | The Waybill URL used by the selected international shipping API for this order. Max length: 255 chars. | |
| String | Code denoting the selected payment API as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global-e side). If this payment API doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global-e payment API code will be specified instead. Max length: 50 chars. | Y |
| String | Name of the selected payment API. Max length: 50 chars. | Y |
| String | Code denoting the selected international shipping API as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global-e side). If this international shipping API doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global-e shipping API code will be specified instead. Max length: 50 chars. | Y |
| String | Name of the selected international shipping API. Max length: 50 chars. | Y |
| Decimal | Total Duties & Taxes value including Customs Clearance Fees, in the currency denoted by | Y |
| Decimal | The total order price in the currency indicated in | Y |
| Decimal | Total shipping price in the currency denoted by | Y |
| Decimal | Amount of VAT paid by the customer to Global-e | Y |
| String | 3-char ISO code for the currency used for the current order payment. | Y |
| Decimal | The total order price paid by the end--customer in the currency denoted by | Y |
| String | Code denoting the selected shipping status as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global-e side). If this shipping status doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global-e shipping status code will be specified instead. Max length: 100 chars. | N |
| String | Name of the shipping status. Max length: 50 chars. | N |
A sample code to convert dot-decimal to decimal IPV4 address is available here:
Int64 From
A decimal value of a range start
Int64 To
A decimal value of a range end
string Type
Either IPV4 or IPV6
string Key
Entity key (for example a URL parameter) used on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Value
Entity value for the respective Key
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string RegionCode
Region code (unique in the respective Country)
string CityCode
City code (unique in the respective Region)
Culture Culture
Culture definition for this location
decimal OriginalDiscountValue
The discount value to which the end customer is entitled if this Loyalty Voucher is applied to the cart. This value should be specified in the original Merchant currency including the local VAT, before applying any price modifications. This property always denotes the discount value in the default Merchant’s country, regardless of UseCountryVAT
for the end customer’s current country.
decimal VATRate
The VAT rate applied to the discount based on this Loyalty Voucher
decimal LocalVATRate
The VAT rate to be applied to the discount based on this Loyalty Voucher if the order was placed by the local customer. This value must be specified if UseCountryVAT
for the current Country is TRUE and therefore VATRate
property actually denotes the VAT for the target country.
decimal DiscountValue
Value of the discount based on the Loyalty Voucher. This value should be specified in the end customer’s currency, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion and IncludeVAT
string Name
Loyalty Voucher’s name
string Description
Loyalty Voucher’s textual description
string VoucherCode
Code used to identify the Loyalty Voucher on the Merchant’s site
bool IsApplied
Indicates if the Loyalty Voucher is already applied by the end customer to the current cart
decimal LoyaltyPointsTotal'
The total loyalty points the user has on account at the merchant’s site
decimal LoyaltyPointsMaxSpend
The limit loyalty points that the user can use in this order – if not exists the LoyaltyPointsTotal
is taken.
decimal LoyaltyPointsValueForSpend
Value of one loyalty point for spending, in customer currency – optional if LoyaltyPointsOriginalValueForSpend
decimal LoyaltyPointsOriginalValueForSpend
Value of one loyalty point for spending, in merchant currency – optional if LoyaltyPointsValueForSpend
decimal LoyaltyPointsValueForEarn
Value of one loyalty point for earn, in customer currency – optional if LoyaltyPointsOriginalValueForEarn
decimal LoyaltyPointsOriginalValueForEarn
Value of one loyalty point for earn, in merchant currency – optional if LoyaltyPointsOriginalForEarn
long MarketplaceId
string MarketplaceOrderId
string BrandCode
Brand code
string Name
Brand name
string CategoryCode
Category code
string Name
Category name
string MerchantGUID
Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e. This property is mandatory only for server-side calls.
string CartToken
Cart token for the cart generated on the Global‑e side by the SendCart
method preceding the current cart action. This property is mandatory only for server-side calls.
string CartId
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the merchantCartToken
argument for the SendCart
method preceding the current cart action.
string CartHash
Cart hash originally specified in the merchantCartHash
argument for the SendCart
method preceding the current cart action.
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the shipping details.UserId
argument for the SendCart
method preceding the current cart action.
string LoyaltyVouchers
A JSON-serialized array of Loyalty Voucher codes to be applied to the cart. This list is mandatory only in the ClientApplyLoyaltyVouchers
decimal DiscountValue
Discount value in end customer currency, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion and IncludeVAT
string DiscountCode
Discount code used to identify the discount on the Merchant’s site returned in the respective GetCheckoutCartinfo
API method response. If not received, will enumerate each discount according to the order in the received list.
string AttributeKey
Custom product attribute name that is used to describe the personalized product.
string AttributeValue
Custom product attribute value that is used to describe the personalized product.
string ProductCode
SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in Product.CartItemId
property of the respective product in the GetCheckoutCartInfo
API method response for the current cart.
decimal ListPrice
Product list price in end customer currency (before any discounts), after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable) and IncludeVAT
decimal SalePrice
Product sale price in end customer currency, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable) and IncludeVAT
Merchant.CartValidationData [Inherits all fields from Merchant.OrderV2 - 3.123]
string GlobalECartToken
cart token
string PreferredCultureCode
ISO culture code. Denotes the preferred culture for the checkout page. If not specified, the Merchant’s default culture will be used by default
string AuthToken
JWT AuthToken from the merchant’s platform
string SessionId
JWT SessionId
from the merchant’s platform
> Subs
Contains Sub carts validation data related to Mixed carts. This list is defined only in case the cart is Mixed.
string MerchantGUID
Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e.
string CartToken
The value returned from the previous call to SendCart
for the same client (must be stored in the client session or persistent cookie on the merchant’s side). This parameter is used to support cart updates.
string CartId
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in merchantCartToken
argument for SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string CartHash
Cart hash originally specified in merchantCartHash
argument for SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string VoucherCode
The voucher code specified on the merchant site.
Int64 VoucherType
Enumeration of VoucherTypes
1 DiscountVoucher
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site in case it was specified in the SendCart
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
bool IsFreeShipping
Indicates if the Merchant offers free international shipping to the end customer.
string FreeShippingCouponCode
The merchant free shipping coupon code applied by the end customer.
string WebStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of a multi-store setup on the merchant’s site.
string WebStoreInstanceCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store instance where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of multi-store domains set up on the merchant’s site.
List<Merchant.ProductVoucherValidation> Products
Cart products for voucher validation.
List<Merchant.DiscountVoucherValidation> Discounts
Cart discounts for voucher validation.
string CurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code.
bool SendConfirmation
Indicates if e-mail confirmation of the respective order’s status change needs to be sent to the paying customer (Global‑e acts as a paying customer).
bool IsEndCustomerPrimary
Indicates if end customer details are “swapped” with a paying (Global‑e) customer’s details when submitting the order to the Merchant. By default, IsEndCustomerPrimary is FALSE which means that the primary customer denotes the paying (Global‑e) customer and the secondary customer denotes the end customer who has placed the order with Global‑e checkout.
string FirstName
First name
string LastName
Last name
string FirstNameInLocalCulture
First name in local culture
string LastNameInLocalCulture
Last name in local culture
string MiddleName
Middle name
string Salutation
Salutation or title (e.g. Dr., Mr., etc.)
string Phone1
Phone #1
string Phone2
Phone #2
string Fax
string Email
Email address
string Company
Company name
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string City
City name
string StateOrProvice
State or province name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string CountryName
Country name
string AddressBookId
Id of the current address from within the address book
string AddressBookName
Name of the current address from within the address book
bool SaveAddress
Indicates that the current address should be saved in the merchant platform
string Name
Discount name
decimal Price
Discount value in the currency defined in the CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
object for the order being submitted to the Merchant.
decimal VATRate
The VAT rate applied to this discount
decimal LocalVATRate
The VAT rate that would be applied to this discount if the order was placed by the local customer. This value must be specified if UseCountryVAT
for the current Country is TRUE and therefore the VATRate
property denotes the VAT for the target country.
decimal InternationalPrice
Discount value in end customer’s currency (specified in InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode
property for the respective Merchant.Order
), after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, and IncludeVAT
string Name
Discount name
string Description
Discount textual description
string CouponCode
Merchant CouponCode
used for this discount (applicable to coupon-based discounts only)
string ProductCartItemId
Identifier of the product cart item related to this discount on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Discount.ProductCartItemId
property of the respective discount in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string DiscountCode
Discount code originally specified in the Discount.DiscountCode
property of the respective discount in SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string LoyaltyVoucherCode
Loyalty Voucher code originally specified in Discount.LoyaltyVoucherCode
property of the respective discount in SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
Int64 DiscountType
Discount type (“Cart”, “Shipping”, etc.), as defined in the DiscountTypeOptions
enumeration described in the Discount class in this document.
optional values DiscountSource
1 | Merchant |
2 | FixedShippingPrice |
3 | PercentageCartPrice |
4 | HiddenForceDDP |
5 | Amend |
6 | RemoteAreaSurchargeSubsidy |
7 | LoyaltyPoints |
8 | PaymentCharge |
9 | ReplacementOrder |
string Name
Discount name.
decimal Price
Original discount value.
decimal VatRate
The VAT rate applied to this discount.
string CouponCode
Merchant’s CouponCode
used for this discount (applicable to coupon-based discounts only).
string ProductCartItemId
Identifier of the product cart item related to this discount on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Discount.ProductCartItemId
property of the respective discount in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string DiscountCode
Discount code originally specified in Discount.DiscountCode
property of the respective discount in SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
Int64 DiscountType
Enumeration of DiscountTypes
1 Cart discount
2 Shipping discount
3 Loyalty points discount
4 Taxes Subsidization
5 CheckoutLoyaltyPointsDiscount
6 PaymentCharge
string VATRegistrationNumber
Global‑e Exporter entity registration VAT number
string EORINumber
Global‑e Exporter entity registration EORI number
string IOSSNumber
Global‑e Exporter entity IOSS number (for shipments to the EU)
string Name
First and Last name
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string City
City name
string StateOrProvince
State or province name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string Country
Country name
string Company
Either the Customer Company name, if provided in the cart/checkout, or the Global‑e importer entity name for the relevant markets (eg. Switzerland)
string VATRegistrationNumber
Either. the Customer VAT Registration Number, if provided in the cart/checkout, or the Global‑e importer entity registration number for relevant markets (eg. Switzerland)
string CustomerTaxId
The Customer tax number is provided at checkout, as required for clearance into certain markets (e.g. Brazil, Turkey).
int ImporterType
Importer type, depending on the order type and destination:
- 0: Private importer – standard B2C shipment
- 1: Global‑e Importer – specific importer mentions required
Merchant.ImporterAddress Address
Full address of the importer as the Private/Business Importer (customer) or the Global‑e Importer entity, if relevant.
string CurrencyCode
3-char ISO code for the currency selected by the end customer for the order payment.
decimal TotalPrice
Total order price in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
string TransactionCurrencyCode
3-char ISO code for the currency actually used for the current order payment. TransactionCurrencyCode
may differ from CurrencyCode
if the currency selected by the end customer could not be used with the selected payment method.
decimal TransactionTotalPrice
Total order price actually paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by TransactionCurrencyCode
decimal TotalShippingPrice
Total shipping price in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
decimal ConsignmentFee
The consignment fee is paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is included in TotalShippingPrice
decimal SizeOverchargeValue
Oversized items charge paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is included in TotalShippingPrice
decimal RemoteAreaSurcharge
Remote area surcharge paid by the end customer in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is included in TotalShippingPrice
decimal SameDayDispatchCost
Cost of the “Same Day Dispatch” option (if selected by the end customer on Global‑e checkout), in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is NOT included in TotalShippingPrice
decimal TotalDutiesPrice
Total Duties & Taxes value including Customs Clearance Fees, in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
decimal USSalesTax
Sales tax value for the USA in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is included in TotalDutiesPrice.
decimal TotalCCFPrice
Total Customs Clearance Fees value in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
. This value is included in TotalDutiesPrice
string ShippingMethodCode
Code denoting the selected international shipping method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method code will be specified instead.
string ShippingMethodName
Name of the selected international shipping method.
string ShippingMethodTypeCode
Code denoting the selected international shipping method type as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method type does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method type code will be specified instead.
string ShippingMethodTypeName
Name of the selected international shipping method type.
Int64 DeliveryDaysFrom
The minimum number of days for delivery to the end customer for the selected shipping method.
Int64 DeliveryDaysTo
The maximum number of days for delivery to the end customer for the selected shipping method.
string PaymentMethodCode
Code denoting the selected payment method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this payment method doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e payment method code will be specified instead.
string PaymentMethodName
Name of the selected payment method.
bool DutiesGuaranteed
Indicates if the end customer has selected the “guaranteed duties and taxes” option.
string OrderTrackingNumber
Tracking number used by the selected international shipping method for this order.
string OrderTrackingUrl
Full tracking URL including OrderTrackingNumber
used by the selected international shipping method for this order.
string OrderWaybillNumber
Waybill number used by the selected international shipping method for this order.
string ShippingMethodStatusCode
Code denoting the selected shipping status as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this shipping status doesn’t exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping status code will be specified instead.
string ShippingMethodStatusName
Name of the shipping status.
decimal DiscountedShippingPrice
The price paid by the customer in local currency. Total Shipping price reducing Order Discounts International price.
List<Merchant.ParcelTracking> ParcelsTracking
List of Merchant.ParcelTracking
objects, each object holds the parcel tracking number and full tracking URL for the relevant shipper (with the parcel tracking number).
string CardNumberLastFourDigits
The last 4 digits of the Card number (if applicable).
string ExpirationDate
Card expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format (if applicable).
decimal CashOnDeliveryFee
The additional charge is paid by the end customer when the “Cash on Delivery” payment method has been selected.
decimal TotalVATAmount
Amount of VAT paid by the customer to Global‑e
DTBreakdown CustomerDTBreakdown
Contains the duties and taxes parts the customer paid for the order in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
DTBreakdown MerchantDTBreakdown
Contains the duties and taxes parts the merchant subsidized for the order in the currency denoted by CurrencyCode
decimal ShippingVATRate
The shipping VAT rate for the customer. This rate is applied to the shipping cost.
string MerchantGUID
Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e.
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site returned from a previous call to the SendOrderToMerchant
method for this order.
string CartId
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in merchantCartToken
argument for SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string CartHash
Cart hash originally specified in the merchantCartHash
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string StatusCode
Code denoting the order status on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
OrderStatusReason OrderStatusReason
Reason for the order status, why it was cancelledcanceled.
string CurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code for the order being posted. By default, this is set to the original Merchant’s currency.
decimal PriceCoefficientRate
rate applied to the prices in this order.
decimal RoundingRate
The average conversion rate applied to the prices paid by the end customer when calculating the prices paid by Global‑e to the Merchant in the original Merchant’s currency. This rate includes “FX conversion” and “marketing rounding” factors.
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the shippingDetails
argument for SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string ShippingMethodCode
Code denoting the local shipping method selected from the list of available shipping options provided in the shippingOptionsList
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
bool ClearCart
Indicates if the end customer’s cart must be cleared before this method finishes execution on the Merchant’s site.
bool AllowMailsFromMerchant
Indicates if the end customer has opted on the Global‑e checkout page to receive emails from the Merchant.
decimal LoyaltyPointsSpent
The number of loyalty points spent for this purchase. The existing loyalty points handling procedure must be applied to the end customer’s user account. Therefore, the “Loyalty points” type discount must not be applied to the order directly but can be used for display purposes elsewhere in the system (i.e. on the end user’s My Account page).
decimal LoyaltyPointsEarned
The number of loyalty points to be earned for this purchase by the end customer on the Merchant’s site, as specified in the loyaltyPointsEarned
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global-e.
string LoyaltyCode
Loyalty code applicable to the Merchant’s site entered by the end customer in Global‑e checkout.
bool SameDayDispatch
Indicates if the end customer has requested “Same Day Dispatch” on Global‑e checkout.
decimal SameDayDispatchCost
Cost of the “Same Day Dispatch” option selected by the end customer on Global‑e checkout, in the original Merchant’s currency.
bool DoNotChargeVAT
Indicates if the end customer hasn’t been charged VAT in Global‑e checkout, as specified in the doNotChargeVAT
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
bool IsFreeShipping
Indicates if the Merchant offers free international shipping to the end customer, as specified in the IsFreeShipping
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string FreeShippingCouponCode
Merchant’s free shipping CouponCode
applied by the end customer, as specified in the FreeShippingCouponCode
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string ShipToStoreCode
Code denoting the Merchant’s store specified by the customer for “ship to shop” shipping destination (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
string CustomerComments
Comments text entered by the end customer in Global‑e checkout.
List<orderDocoment> AdditionalRequiredDocuments
The required additional documents for shipping. When the information is provided, the Merchant must wait for the documents to be provided before starting fulfilmentfulfillment.
bool IsSplitOrder
Indicates if the order should be handled as a split order (i.e. without consolidation)
string OTVoucherCode
One-time voucher code used to place the order
string OTCurrencyCode
Currency of the one-time voucher code used to place the order.
decimal OTVoucherAmount
The amount taken off the voucher when applicable.
string WebStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store, as specified in the WebStoreCode
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
List<Merchant.Product> Products
The list of products being purchased.
List<Merchant.Discount> Discounts
The list of discounts being applied to the order, according to the original list of discounts received in SendCart
for this order, and to the Merchant shipping configuration on Global‑e.
List<Merchant.Discount> Markups
The list of markups being applied to the order, according to the Merchant shipping configuration on Global‑e. Effectively Markup is a “negative Discount”. The main use case for markups is when the end customer is charged in Global‑e checkout, a flat shipping rate, which is higher than the shipping rate, calculated for the respective order. In this case, Global‑e pays the difference to the merchant in the form of Markups applied to the order.
Unlike Discounts, Markups may be only passed to the Merchant’s back-end ERP system for reconciliation purposes, and may not be displayed to the end customer.
Merchant.Customer Customer
The paying customer’s preferences (Global-e acts as a paying customer).
Merchant.CustomerDetails PrimaryBilling
The primary customer’s billing details. If IsEndCustomerPrimary
is set to TRUE, then the primary customer is the payer and his details are indicated in the URL-encoded form.
Merchant.CustomerDetails PrimaryShipping
Primary customer’s shipping details. If Customer.IsEndCustomerPrimary
is TRUE, this field contains the end customers' shipping details. this field contains the Global-e hub's shipping address in the URL-encoded form.
Merchant.PaymentDetails PaymentDetails
The paying customer’s payment details.
Merchant.CustomerDetails SecondaryBilling
Secondary customer’s billing details. If Customer.IsEndCustomerPrimary
is FALSE, this contains attributes of the end customer’s details indicated in the URL-encoded form.
Merchant.CustomerDetails SecondaryShipping
Secondary customer’s shipping details. If Customer.IsEndCustomerPrimary
is FALSE, this field contains the end customers' shipping details.
Merchant.InternationalDetails InternationalDetails
Details referring to the end customer’s order placed on the Global‑e side. These details apply only to the Merchants dealing with international customers’ support themselves.
decimal DiscountedShippingPrice
The shipping price paid by the customer converted to the merchant’s currency. Total Shipping price reducing Order Discounts (InternationalDetails.DiscountedShippingPrice
price converted to the merchant currency).
bool PrePayOffered
Indicates if the prepayment option for duties and taxes was offered to the customer.
bool IsReplacementOrder
Indicates if the order is a replacement.
Merchant.OriginalOrder OriginalOrder
Details that refer to the original order if the current order is a replacement.
string DateCreated
(optional, returned by GetOrdersDetails
API only)
Order creation date and time
string CurrencyName
(optional, returned by GetOrdersDetails
API only)
Customer currency name
List<Merchant.Parcel> Parcels
(optional, returned by GetOrdersDetails
API only)
The list of parcels created for the order
decimal TotalDutiesAndTaxesPrice
Total Duties & Taxes value including Customs Clearance Fees, in the merchant currency. This amount is the total amount, regardless of whether the customer or the merchant paid it.
decimal USSalesTax
Sales tax value for USA in the merchant currency. This value is included in TotalDutiesAndTaxesPrice.
decimal CCFPrice
Customs Clearance Fees (CCF), in the merchant currency.
DTBreakdown CustomerDTBreakdown
Optional. Contains the duties and tax parts the customer paid for the order.
DTBreakdown MerchantDTBreakdown
Optional. Contains the duties and tax parts that the merchant subsidized for the order.
List<OrderPaymentMethod> OrderPaymentMethods
List of payment methods the customer use (Credit card, Gift Cards)
List<OrderDocument> OrderDocuments
Always contains a single document - it can be either a VAT Invoice or a Customer Receipt, depends if it is within the EU or not.
decimal TotalDutiesPaidByCustomerPrice
The total amount of duties paid by the customer in the merchant’s currency.
Int64 OrderCreationSource
One of the following possible values of OrderCreationSource
enumeration denoting a type of discount:
OrderCreationSource Value | Name | Description |
0 | GECheckout | The default value for orders created in a normal flow via Global‑e Checkout |
1 | Marketplace | The value for orders that are created at a marketplace and sent to Global-e via your brand |
decimal CashOnDeliveryFee
CashOnDeliveryFee amount in merchant’s currency.
List<Merchant.Order> Subs
Contains Sub orders related to Mixed order. This list is defined only in case the order is Mixed.
bool IsTaxExemption
Indicates if the order has a tax exemption.
bool IsB2B
Indicates if the order has a Company name and VAT registration number.
bool IsMoto
true - the customer is a customer support agent and an “Offline order” took place,
false - regular customer
string ModifiedProduct
Holds the product’s SKU
string CustomerComments
Holds the gift message. In the offline order flow, holds the product comment.
bool ExporterDetails.LocalRegistrationClearance
Indicates whether the merchant can use destination Registration number. When set to ‘true’ the merchant can use ExporterDetails.DestinationRegistrationNumber
decimal ExporterDetails.DestinationRegistrationNumber
The Tax reference number of the GE Entity at the destination country. Should only be provided when the order is tax-collected. Otherwise, the field should be Null. The value should be Null if the order destination is for an EU country.
Merchant.OrderV2 [inherits all fields from Merchant.Order - 3.64]
DateTime DateCreated
Creation date
string CurrencyName
Name of the currency of the order
List<Parcel> Parcels
List of the parcels associated with the order
string MerchantGUID
Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e.
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site returned from a previous call to the SendOrderToMerchant
method for this order.
decimal OriginalTotalRefundAmount
The refund amount in the original Merchant currency including the local Merchant’s VAT (currency is specified in CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
decimal TotalRefundAmount
The total refund amount in the end customer’s currency used for this order’s payment (currency is specified in InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode
property for the respective Merchant.Order
Merchant.OrderRefundReason RefundReason
Reason for the order refund
string RefundComments
Comments for the order refund
decimal ServiceGestureAmount
The “Service gesture” amount in the customer’s currency is included in the TotalRefundAmount
. “Service gesture” denotes any additional refund granted to the user, on top of the refund related to other components.
List<Merchant.RefundProduct> Products
List of RefundProduct
objects for this order refund.
string WebStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store, as specified in the WebStoreCode
argument for the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
List<Merchant.RefundComponent> Components
The list of RefundComponent
objects for this order refund.
string RMANumber
The RMA number taken from the related Return.
string MerchantRMANumber
The Merchant RMA number taken from the related Return.
string OrderRefundReasonCode
Code denoting the order refund reason on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If not mapped, Global‑e internal code will be specified instead.
string Name
Order refund reason name
string ShippingMethodCode
Code denoting the selected international shipping method as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this international shipping method does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping method code will be specified instead.
string ShippingMethodName
Name of the selected international shipping method.
string ShippingMethodStatusCode
Code denoting the selected shipping status as defined on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). If this shipping status does not exist on the Merchant’s site, the internal Global‑e shipping status code will be specified instead.
string ShippingMethodStatusName
Name of the shipping status.
string ShipmentStatusUpdateTime
Date and time of the shipment status update. The date is in the UTC time zone specified in RFC 2822 format (i.e. Fri, 8 Aug 2014 17:13:07 +0000).
string ShipmentLocation
Last known location of the shipment.
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier for the original order.
string MerchantOrderId
returned from SendOrderToMerchant
call for the original order.
string MerchantInternalOrderId
returned from SendOrderToMerchant
call for the original order.
string Code
Parcel code.
Int64 ParcelStatusId
Parcel status id.
string StatusName
Parcel status name.
string TrackingUrl
Direct tracking URL.
List<Merchant.ParcelProduct> Products
List of products included in the parcel.
string Sku
Product SKU.
string CartItemId
Cart item id of the product.
Int64 Quantity
Product quantity included in the parcel.
string ParcelTrackingNumber
The tracking number is used by the selected international shipping method for this parcel.
string ParcelTrackingUrl
Full tracking URL including ParcelTrackingNumber
used by the selected international shipping method for this parcel.
string ParcelCode
Parcel code.
string OwnerFirstName
(optional if OwnerName
is specified)
Card owner’s first name
string OwnerLastName
(optional if OwnerName
is specified)
Card owner’s last name
string OwnerName
Card owner’s full name (the Merchant may choose to consider either full name or first name with the last name, according to the existing payment method input validation requirements).
string CardNumber
Card number
string CVVNumber
Card CVV number
string PaymentMethodName
Payment method name
string PaymentMethodCode
Payment method code used to identify the payment method on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
string PaymentMethodTypeCode
Payment method type’s code used to identify the payment method type (such as Credit Card or Check) on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
string ExpirationDate
Card expiration date (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
string CountryName
Country name
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string StateOrProvice
State or province name
string City
City name
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string Phone1
Phone #1
string Phone2
Phone #2
string Fax
string Email
E-mail address
string Sku
SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
decimal Price
Single product final sale price in the currency defined in the CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
object for the order being submitted to the Merchant.
decimal ListPrice
Single product List price in the currency defined in the CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
object for the order being submitted to the Merchant.
decimal VATRate
The VAT rate applied to this product
decimal PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount
Single product price in the currency defined in the CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
object for the order being submitted to the Merchant, before applying any per-product Global‑e discounts (such as per-product Shipping discounts). If no Global‑e discount was applied, PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount
is equal to Price.
decimal LineItemPriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount
(optional) - DEPRECATED
Line item (product in ordered quantity) price in the currency defined in the CurrencyCode
property of the respective Merchant.Order
object for the order being submitted to the Merchant, before applying any per-product Global‑e discounts (such as per-product Shipping discounts). If not specified, should be deemed equal to “PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount * Quantity”. If specified, should take preference over PriceBeforeGlobalEDiscount
decimal InternationalPrice
Single product final sale price in end customer currency (specified in InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode property for the respective Merchant.Order)
, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable), and IncludeVAT
decimal InternationalListPrice
Single product list price in end customer’s currency (specified in the InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode
property for the respective Merchant.Order
), after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable), and IncludeVAT
decimal LineItemInternationalPrice
Line item (product in ordered quantity) price in end customer’s currency (specified in the InternationalDetails.CurrencyCode
property for the respective Merchant.Order
), after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable), and IncludeVAT
handling. If not specified, should be deemed equal to “InternationalPrice * Quantity”. If specified, should take preference over InternationalPrice.
decimal RoundingRate
The conversion rate applied to this product price paid by the end customer when calculating the prices paid by Global‑e to the Merchant in the original Merchant’s currency. This rate includes “FX conversion” and “marketing rounding” factors.
Int64 Quantity
Product quantity in the order that is currently being submitted to the Merchant.
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.CartItemId
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string ParentCartItemId
Identifier of the current item’s parent cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.ParentCartItemId
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string CartItemOptionId
Identifier of the child cart item “option” on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.CartItemOptionId
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string HandlingCode
Code originally specified in Product.HandlingCode
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string GiftMessage
Text originally specified in the Product.GiftMessage
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
bool IsBackOrdered
Boolean specifying if the product was ordered as a backed ordered item
string BackOrderDate
Estimated date for the backordered item to be in stock
decimal DiscountedPrice
The product value is in merchant currency after deducting all product and cart level discounts from the price. Product level discounts will be fully deducted from the respective product’s price and cart discounts will be prorated over all products according to the remaining value.
This value can be used as the pre-calculated value for the returned product’s refund.
decimal InternationalDiscountedPrice
The product value in customer currency after deducting all product and cart level discounts from the price. Product level discounts will be fully deducted from the respective product’s price and cart discounts will be prorated over all products according to the remaining value.
This value can be used as the pre-calculated value for the returned product’s refund.
Merchant.Brand Brand
Product’s brand
List<Merchant.Category> Categories
Product categories
List<Merchant.CartProductAttribute> Attributes
Custom attributes describe products that customers can personalize according to what the site offers.
Each Attribute holds a key to specify attribute name and Value properties.
string Name
(optional, returned by GetOrdersDetails
API only)
Name of the product
List<Merchant.ProductAttribute> ProductAttributes
(optional, returned by GetOrdersDetails
API only)
Product attributes
string GenericHSCode
Product’s HS code
decimal DiscountedPriceForCustoms
Product price in merchant currency reflects the price after Reverse D&T calculation.
decimal InternationalDiscountedPriceForCustoms
Product price in customer currency reflects the price after Reverse D&T calculation
DTBreakdown DTBreakdown
Optional. Contains the duties and taxes per item in merchant currency.
DTBreakdown InternationalDTBreakdown
Contains the duties and taxes per item in customer currency.
decimal CustomerVATRate
The customer VAT rate applied to this product
decimal InternationalDiscountedPriceInMerchantCurrency
Product Price in merchant currency
string AttributeCode
Product custom attribute code originally specified in the respective Attribute in Attributes list in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string AttributeTypeCode
Product attribute type code originally specified in the respective Attribute in Attributes list in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string Sku
SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
decimal Price
Int64 Quantity
Product ordered quantity.
decimal VATRate
The VAT rate applied to this product.
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.CartItemId
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string ParentCartItemId
Identifier of the current item’s parent cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.ParentCartItemId
property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string CartItemOptionId
Identifier of the child cart item “option” on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.CartItemOptionId property of the respective product in the SendCart
method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string HandlingCode
Code applicable to the product on the Merchant’s site. This code may be optionally used by the Merchant to trigger a certain business logic when this product is included in the order posted back to the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
List<string> Categories
List of categories mapped for current cart product.
decimal Amount
The refund amount in customer currency.
decimal OriginalAmount
The refund amount in merchant currency.
bool IsChargedToMerchant
If this component is charged to the merchant, the flag is TRUE (default). If this component is charged to Global‑e, the flag is FALSE. If the same component is split between charged to the merchant and charged to Global‑e, it should appear twice, each time with a different value in IsChargedToMerchant
. Exception: A component PrepaidReturn
– it should always be IsChargedToMerchant
string ComponentType
Products, Shipping, Duties, PrepaidReturn
or ServiceGesture
string CartItemId
Identifier of the line item on the Merchant’s site. This property is mandatory and should be equal to the respective Product’s CartItemId
originally specified in the SendCart
method for the order being refunded.
Int64 RefundQuantity
Product quantity (i.e. a part of the originally ordered quantity) that the refund refers to.
decimal OriginalRefundAmount
The refund amount in the original Merchant currency including the local Merchant’s VAT for this product line item, before applying any price modifications (i.e. part of or the full value paid by Global-e to the Merchant, as was specified in Merchant.Product.Price
for the respective order).
decimal RefundAmount
The refund amount for this product line item in customer currency used for the payment of this order.
Merchant.OrderRefundReason RefundReason
Reason for this product’s refund.
string RefundComments
Comments for this product’s refund.
string SKU
This field is obsolete. Use ProductCode
below instead. Product SKU or Product Variant ID according to merchant configuration. Can be used as a Product Identifier instead of CartItemId
. In case there are multiple products with the same identifier we will choose one of them arbitrarily.
string ProductCode
Product SKU or Product Variant ID according to merchant configuration. Can be used as a Product Identifier instead of CartItemId
. In case there are multiple products with the same identifier, we choose one of them arbitrarily.
string MerchantGUID
Unique identifier of the Merchant on Global-e.
string CartToken
The value returned from the previous call to SendCart
for the same client (must be stored in the client session or persistent cookie on the merchant’s side). This parameter is used to support cart updates.
string CartId
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in merchantCartToken
argument for SendCart method for the cart converted to this order on Global‑e.
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant’s site in case it was specified in the SendCart
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string CurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code.
string WebStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of a multi-store setup on the merchant’s site.
string WebStoreInstanceCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store instance where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of multi-store domains set up on the merchant’s site.
List<string> RemovedProductCodes
List of SKU codes for products removal from the cart.
bool IsSuccess
TRUE if the result is success
string ErrorMessage
Description of the error if it happened
string ErrorCode
Code of the error if it happened
string InternalOrderId
(optional in case of error, failure or if the action is not related to a specific order)
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site
string OrderId
Order identifier on the Merchant’s site used for display and reporting purposes only. Unlike the InternalOrderId
, this identifier is not necessarily unique over time, as the Merchant’s site may potentially reuse it (for example after deleting the old order having the same OrderId
string StatusCode
(optional in case of error or failure)
Code denoting the order status on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side).
string PaymentCurrencyCode
3-char ISO currency code for the order (if payment was processed in the respective API method call).
string PaymentAmount
The total payment amount in PaymentCurrency
charged for the order (if payment was processed in the respective API method call).
bool Success
Indicates if the call has succeeded. FALSE denotes an error or failure.
string ErrorCode
Error code to be returned when an error occurs.
string Message
Optional response message. In case of an error, this property indicates the error message text.
string Description
Optional response description. In case of an error, this property indicates the error message description.
List<Merchant.StockValidationRowResponse> AmendedProducts
The list of products that don’t have full stock availability for the Product.Quantity
specified in the respective ValidateStock
API request.
string Error
The error message returned from the merchant
string ReservationRequestId
The stock reservation code returned from the merchant if the stock has been actually reserved as a result of the ValidateStock
API call.
Dictionary<string, string> CustomResources
Dictionary with custom resources for error and oos popup. Keys for the dictionary:
TitleTextResourceId, BodyTextResourceId, ButtonTextResourceId, RedirectUrl
Dictionary<string, string> TextResourcesPlaceholders
Dictionary with placeholders which need to be replaced in text resources for error and oos popup which was passed in CustomResources
(except RedirectUrl
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the Product.CartItemId
property of the respective product in the cart.
string QuantityInStock
Available product quantity.
string OrderId
string MerchantOrderId
string RMANumber
string ShipperName
string ReturnTrackingNumber
string TrackingURL
string CreatedBy
List<MerchantReturnProduct> ReturnedProducts
string MerchantGUID
string SKU
string Name
string CartItemId
string ReturnQuantity
string ReturnReasonName
string MerchantReturnReasonCode
string MerchantReturnReasonName
string TrackingNumber
The tracking number as the shipper has specified.
string ShipperName
The shipping method name.
string TrackingURL
Full tracking URL including the TrackingNumber
used by the selected international shipping method.
bool IsVoucherValid
TRUE if the voucher is valid
Int64 VoucherType
Enumeration of VoucherTypes
1 DiscountVoucher
string CartToken
returned from the new SendCart
/ SendCartV2
API call, executed after the voucher has been applied to the respective user’s basket.
List<Merchant.VoucherValidationRestriction> VoucherRestrictions
List of validation restrictions applied to vouchers.
string ValidationFaliureMessage
Error message in case voucher is not valid.
Int64 VoucherValidationRestrictionType
0 - Country
string RestrictionEntityCode
Country code value
GECheckout = 0,
Marketplace = 1,
ExternalApp = 2,
ShopifyAPI = 3,
List<string> OrderIds
List of order ids to manifest.
string DocumentData
Base64 encoded byte array representing the document file content.
string URL
URL of the document.
string DocumentTypeCode
Document type code, this value can be:
CommercialInvoice = 1
PackingList = 2
ShipperManifest = 3
Label = 4
VATInvoice = 5
DangerousGoodDeclarationLink = 6
GELabel = 7
CustomerReceiptInvoice = 8
ArchibeLabel = 9
DeliveryAdvice = 10
EAD = 11
string DocumentTypeName
Document type name, e.g. AWB
, CommercialInvoiceAndPackingList
or Manifest
string DocumentExtension
Document extension (PDF, ZPL, EPL).
string ErrorMessage
Description of the error for this entity (order/parcel) if it happened.
string ShippingServiceName
The name of the shipping service for this document (relevant for DispatchOrders
and DispatchConsolidatedShipment
string ParcelCode
The parcel code related to the document.
string DocumentReference
The reference provided by the government authorities to this document (such as MRN or ITN number).
DateTime CreationDateTime
The date and time the document was created.
bool IsSuccess
Indicates whether the API call was successful
string ErrorText
Description of the error to get documents
List<OrderDocument> Documents
List of OrderDocument
objects that hold the shipping documents. This property is included only in the GetShippingDocuments
method response.
List<OrderDocument> ShipperManifests
List of OrderDocument
objects that hold shipper manifest documents. This property is included only in the DispatchOrders
method response.
List<Merchant.ParcelTracking> ParcelsTracking
List of the Merchant.ParcelTracking
objects, each object holds the parcel tracking number and full tracking URL for the relevant shipper (with the parcel tracking number).
Merchant.TrackingDetails TrackingDetails
Order tracking information.
List<DeliveryAdviceInformation> DeliveryAdviceInformation
List of DeliveryAdviceInformation
objects that hold the information required for the “Delivery Advice” document.
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier.
NOTE Either OrderID
or MerchantOrderID
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the MerchantOrderID
property has not been specified.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site.
NOTE Either OrderID
or MerchantOrderID
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the OrderID
property has not been specified.
long PaymentMethodId
string PaymentMethodName
bool IsGiftCard
string GiftCardFields
decimal PaidAmountInCustomerCurrency
decimal PaidAmountInMerchantCurrency
string OrderStatusCode
Code denoting the order status on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Order status name
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier (previously submitted to the Merchant’s SendOrderToMerchant
method defined below in this document when the order had been created with the Global‑e checkout)
OrderStatus OrderStatus
Order status
OrderStatusReason OrderStatusReason
Reason for the order status
string OrderComments
Merchant's comments for the order
string ConfirmationNumber
Merchant's Order confirmation number
string TrackingServiceName
Name of the tracking service used by the Merchant for this order
string TrackingServiceSite
URL of the tracking service site used by the Merchant for this order
string TrackingNumber
Reference number valid for the tracking service used by the Merchant for this order
string TrackingURL
Full tracking URL on the tracking service site used by the Merchant (if specified overrides all other “Tracking…” properties)
string DeliveryReferenceNumber
Merchant’s internal Delivery Reference Number for this order
string OrderStatusReasonCode
Code denoting the order status reason on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Order status reason name
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier (previously submitted to the Merchant’s SendOrderToMerchant
method when the order had been created with Global‑e checkout) or Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site.
decimal TotalRefundAmount
The total refund amount in the end customer’s currency and used for this order’s payment. If this attribute is not specified, OriginalTotalRefundAmount
along with the sum of OriginalRefundAmount
values in the refundProductsList
specified in the respective CreateOrderRefund
, will be used to calculate the TotalRefundAmount
decimal OriginalTotalRefundAmount
The refund amount in the original Merchant currency including the local Merchant VAT.
OrderRefundReason RefundReason
Reason for the order refund
string RefundComments
Merchant's comments for the order refund
decimal DutiesAmount
The “Duties
” amount in the customer's currency included in the TotalRefundAmount
. “Duties
” denotes the funds that should be refunded due to Duties, Taxes and CCF costs.
decimal ShippingAmount
The “Shipping
” amount in the customer’s currency included in TotalRefundAmount
. “Shipping
” denotes the funds that should be refunded due to shipping costs.
decimal ServiceGestureAmount
“Service gesture” amount in the customer’s currency included in TotalRefundAmount
. “Service gesture” denotes any additional refund granted to the user, on top of the refund related to other components.
bool FullRefund
The flag indicates that the full refund of the order should be performed.
bool ProductsDutiesRefund
The flag indicates that the refund for the products should also include the associated duties and taxes. If ProductsDutiesRefund
is specified, all refund totals will be auto-calculated, and therefore specifying DutiesAmount
, TotalRefundAmount
or OriginalTotalRefundAmount
will return an error in this case.
bool ShippingRefund
The flag indicates that the full shipping cost should be refunded. Either the ShippingRefund
flag or ShippingAmount
can be provided at the same time If a part of the shipping cost was already refunded – only the remaining available part will be refunded.
decimal CustomerPrepaidRefundAmount
Represents a prepaid fee that the customer is required to pay in case of refunds. This fee is deducted from the total refund amount due to the customer. The value of this field is specified in the currency of the customer.
decimal OriginalCustomerPrepaidRefundAmount
Represents a prepaid fee that the customer is required to pay in case of refunds. This field is populated in the original currency of the merchant. The prepaid fee is converted to the currency of the customer and then deducted from the total refund amount due to the customer. Currency conversion rates are calculated based on the Spot rate on the day of the order creation.
Use this field only when CustomerPrepaidRefundAmount
is not provided. Make sure that only one of these fields is populated at a time to avoid double deductions.
Positive Decimal OriginalAmountPrepaidRefund
The return shipping cost in the customer’s currency.
Positive Decimal CustomerAmountPrepaidRefund
The return shipping cost. Populated by the merchant.
string OrderRefundReasonCode
Code denoting the order refund reason on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Order refund reason name
string OriginalOrderId
List<ReplacedProduct> ReplacedProducts
string ParcelCode
Code used to identify the Parcel on the Merchant’s site
List<Product> Products
List of products contained in the parcel (for each Product object the following fields are relevant when used in the Parcel class: ProductCode, CartItemId, DeliveryQuantity
). The products list is applicable only when including the list of products in each parcel is mandatory (such as in the UpdateParcelDispatch
TrackingDetails TrackingDetails
Tracking information about the order/parcel.
decimal Weight
Parcel weight in grams as measured by the merchant.
decimal Height
Parcel height in centimetrescentimeters as measured by the merchant.
decimal Width
Parcel width in centimetrescentimeters as measured by the merchant.
decimal Length
Parcel length in centimetrescentimeters as measured by the merchant.
string merchantParcelStatusCode
The status code of the parcel, on the merchant side.
string merchantParcelStatusReason
NOT IN USE – Reserved for future use.
ParcelError extends ErrorBase<T>
string ParcelCode
Parcel Code provided in the VoidParcelRequest
string InnerErrorText
Specifies inner error text in a case when third-party errors have occurred
Available values:
OptimalAPI =4,
AdyenAPI = 2,
CouponPaymentGateway = 7,
SplitItGateway = 8,
FirstDataAPI = 9,
SafeChargeAPI = 10,
WorldPayAPI = 11,
WalletGateway = 12,
DLocalAPI = 14
enum PaymentSecureGatewayTypes GatewayType
Specifies the gateway API type
string OrderId
The Global-e order identifier.
string ScriptDomain
The domain of the payment gateway. For security, you can verify the sender's identity using the postMessage origin property when processing the response from the gateway.
string ScriptURL
The URL to the PreEnrollment procedure on the gateway.
string Bin
A parameter that is to be sent with the ScriptURL.
string JWT
Another parameter that to be sent with the ScriptURL.
int MaxAPICallAttempts
Maximum attempts to call the ScriptURL.
int APICallAttemptsInterval
Attempts interval to call the ScriptURL.
string ResponseURL
The URL that should be called by the client with the POST request to finalize the SendOrder
string ResponseData
The data that should be passed with the request to ResponseURL.
string PriceItemId
Unique identifier for the price item in the list (e.g. shipping option)
decimal Price
Price of the item
string ProductCode
SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string ProductGroupCode
Product’s group code on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side). Usually, this value is a part of the product SKU code denoting a group of similar products (such as "the same product in different colourcolors").
string ProductCodeSecondary
Secondary code that may be used to refer to the product on the Merchant’s site. This code may be used in addition to the ProductCode
and is not guaranteed to be unique (may be reused for other products as long as the old product is not available on the merchant’s site any more).
string ProductGroupCodeSecondary
Secondary code that may refer to the group of products on the Merchant’s site. This code may be used in addition to the ProductGroupCode
and is not guaranteed to be unique (may be reused for other groups as long as the old group is not available on the merchant’s site anymore).
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart
method only so that the same value can be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
string ParentCartItemId
Identifier of the current item’s parent cart item on the Merchant’s site. This value must be specified if the current cart item is related to a parent item (CartItemId
must not be specified for this item because this attribute applies only to the “parent” item itself). For example, this item might indicate a custom option (such as a product package) for the parent item in the same cart. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart
method only so that the same value can be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
string CartItemOptionId
Identifier of the child cart item “option” on the Merchant’s site. This value must be specified if the current cart item is related to a parent item (CartItemId
must not be specified for this item because this attribute applies only to the “parent” item itself). For example, this item might indicate a package for the parent item in the same cart. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart
method only so that the same value can be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
string Name
Name of the Product
string NameEnglish
Name of the Product in English
string Description
Description of the Product
string DescriptionEnglish
Description of the Product in English
string Keywords
The product’s keywords
string URL
The product’s information page URL
string GiftMessage
Optional “gift message” text defined by the end customer to be printed on the product.
string GenericHSCode
The product’s generic HS Code (not country-specific). If specified this property may assist in mapping the product for duties and taxes calculation purposes.
string OriginCountryCode
2-char ISO country code of the product’s country of Origin. The Merchant’s country will be assumed if not specified.
decimal Weight
The product’s weight is in the Merchant’s default unit of weight measure (will be converted to grams). The merchant’s default product weight will be used if not specified.
decimal NetWeight
The product’s net weight in the Merchant’s default unit of weight measure (will be converted to grams). If specified, this property indicates the net weight of the product, excluding any packaging.
decimal Height
The product’s height in the Merchant’s default unit of length measure (will be converted to CM).
decimal Width
The product’s width in the Merchant’s default unit of length measure (will be converted to CM).
decimal Length
The product’s length in the Merchant’s default unit of length measure (will be converted to CM).
decimal Volume
(optional, and alternative for specifying all 3 dimensions above)
The product’s volume in the Merchant’s default unit of volume measure (will be converted to cubic CM).
decimal NetVolume
The product’s net volume in the Merchant’s default unit of volume measure (will be converted to cubic CM). If specified, this property indicates the net volume of the product, excluding any packaging.
string ImageURL
The product’s image URL
Int64 ImageHeight
The product’s image height in pixels
Int64 ImageWidth
The product’s image width in pixels
decimal ListPrice
(optional in SendCart, SaveProductsBulk
Product list price (before discounts) as displayed to the customer, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable) and IncludeVAT
decimal OriginalListPrice
(optional in SendCart, SaveProductsBulk
Product list price (before any discounts) in the original Merchant’s currency including the local VAT, before applying any price modifications. This property always denotes the product’s price in the default Merchant’s country, regardless of UseCountryVAT
for the end customer’s current country.
decimal SalePrice
(optional in SaveProductsList, SaveProductsBulk, GetCheckoutCartInfo
Product sale price as displayed to the customer, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion, rounding rule (if applicable) and IncludeVAT
decimal SalePriceBeforeRounding
Product sale price as displayed to the customer, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion and IncludeVAT
handling, before rounding rules have been applied. If not specified, will be deemed equal to SalePrice
decimal LineItemSalePrice
Line item (product in ordered quantity) sale price as displayed to the customer, after applying country coefficient, FX conversion and IncludeVAT
handling, before rounding rules have been applied. If not specified, will be deemed equal to “SalePrice * OrderedQuantity”
. If specified, will take preference over SalePrice
decimal OriginalSalePrice
(optional in SaveProductsList, SaveProductsBulk
Product sale price in the original Merchant’s currency including the local VAT, before applying any price modifications. This property always denotes the product’s price in the default Merchant’s country, regardless of UseCountryVAT for the end customer’s current country.
decimal LineItemOriginalSalePrice
Line item (product in ordered quantity) sale price in the original Merchant’s currency including the local VAT, before applying any price modifications. This property always denotes the price in the default Merchant’s country, regardless of UseCountryVAT
for the end customer’s current country. If not specified, will be deemed equal to “OriginalSalePrice
* OrderedQuantity”. If specified, will take preference over OriginalSalePrice.
string SalePriceReason
Reason for the sale price. This property may optionally contain the text definition of the promo that has resulted in the price deduction for this product (such as “10% discount on all shoes”).
bool IsFixedPrice
Setting this to TRUE indicates that the product’s price is fixed by the Merchant, in the default currency for the country. In this case, all price modifications are disabled for this product. Setting fixed prices is only allowed for the Countries where the SupportsFixedPrices
flag is set to TRUE.
Int64 OrderedQuantity
Ordered quantity for the product (to be used in Checkout / Order methods described below, as needed)
Int64 DeliveryQuantity
The quantity actually set for delivery for the product (to be used in the Order methods described below, as needed)
bool IsBundle
Setting this to TRUE indicates that the product represents a set of other products. If a bundled product has non-zero prices specified (i.e. OriginalListPrice
, ListPrice
, etc.), then all the contained products must have zero prices, and vice versa, to avoid double charging for the same products.
bool IsVirtual
Setting this to TRUE indicates that the product represents a virtual product that does not have weight or volume and doesn’t affect shipping calculation in Global‑e checkout.
bool IsBlockedForGlobalE
Setting this to TRUE indicates that the product is not available for international shipping
string HandlingCode
Code applicable to the product on the Merchant’s site. This code may be optionally used by the Merchant to trigger a certain business logic when this product is included in the order posted back to the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
VATRateType VATRateType
Product’s VAT rate type or class
VATRateType LocalVATRateType
VAT rate type or class that would be applied to this product if the order was placed by the local customer. This value must be specified if UseCountryVAT
for the current Country is TRUE, and therefore the VATRateType
property actually denotes the VAT for the target country.
VATCategory VATCategory
The product’s VAT category. A product may be assigned to a single VAT category on the merchant’s site. If available, the respective product’s HS Code should be used as the VAT category for a product.
Brand Brand
The product’s brand
List<Category> Categories
The product’s categories
List<Attribute> Attributes
The product’s custom attributes (such as Color, Size, etc.)
List<Attribute> AttributesEnglish
The product’s custom attributes (such as Color, Size, etc.) in English
bool IsBackOrdered
(optional – default false)
Boolean specifying if the product was ordered as a backed ordered item
string BackOrderDate
Estimated date for the backordered item to be in stock
string ProductClassCode
The product class code is used by the merchant to classify products to use different country coefficient rates.
decimal PriceCoefficientRate
Rate applicable to this Product’s ProductClassCode
if returned from the CountryCoefficients
ProductMetaData MetaData
Used to hold additional product data such as customer-defined product attributes.
string HubCode
The merchant hub code indicates from which hub the product was sent. Note that the HubCode should be mapped to a Global-e hubId on the Global-e side.
string ProductCode
SKU code used to identify the product on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string CountryCode
2-char ISO code of the shipping country
VATRateType VATRateType
Product’s VAT rate type or class to be used for this product in this shipping country. If not specified, the respective VATCategoryCountry’s VATRateType
or Country’s DefaultVATRateType
must be used if applicable according to the UseCountryVAT value for this country. Otherwise, the VAT rate defined for this product on the merchant’s site must be used.
bool IsRestricted
TRUE if this product has import restrictions for this shipping country. If at least one restricted product is included in the Cart, the end customer will not be able to place the order with Global-e until the product is either removed from the Cart or a shipping country with no restrictions for this product is selected.
string RestrictionMessage
Textual definition of the restriction (will be empty if IsRestricted
bool IsForbidden
TRUE if this product is not supported for shipping to this country by Global-e. Adding this product to the cart must be disabled completely.
string ForbiddanceMessage
Textual definition of the forbiddance (will be empty if IsForbidden
bool IsVerified
Indicates if product restrictions and other data contained in this object have been verified by Global‑e (i.e. some algorithmic approximations may be used by the system until manually resolved by Global‑e personnel)
Int64 TTL
Time-to-live interval (in seconds) before this object must be refreshed from the Global-e server. This property overwrites the “max-age” header returned by any method call which returns the ProductCountry
bool UploadedViaCatalog
Indicates whether the product was uploaded via catalogue catalog or not.
List<CustomProductAttribute> Attributes
Customer-defined product attributes that allow the personalisation of the product if supported by the merchant’s site (e.g. engraving).
string CartItemId
Identifier of the line item on the Merchant’s site. This property is mandatory and should be equal to the respective Product’s CartItemId
originally specified in the SendCart
method for the order being refunded.
Int64 RefundQuantity
Product quantity (i.e. a part of the originally ordered quantity) that the refund refers to.
decimal OriginalRefundAmount
The refund amount in the original Merchant’s currency including the local Merchant’s VAT for this product line item, before applying any price modifications (i.e. part of or the full value paid by Global-e to the Merchant, as was specified in Merchant.Product.Price
for the respective order).
decimal RefundAmount
The refund amount for this product line item in customer currency and used for this order payment. If this attribute is not specified, OriginalRefundAmount
multiplied by RoundingRate
for this product line item should be used to calculate TotalRefundAmount
for this order’s refund.
OrderRefundReason RefundReason
Reason for this product’s refund
string RefundComments
Merchant's comments for this product’s refund
string Sku
The field is obsolete, please use ProductCode
(below) instead.
Product SKU or Product Variant ID. can according to merchant configuration. Can be used as a Product Identifier instead of CartItemId
. In case there are multiple products with the same identifier we will choose one of them arbitrarily
string ProductCode
Product SKU or Product Variant ID according to merchant configuration. Can be used as Product Identifier instead of CartItemId
. In case there are multiple products with the same identifier we will choose one of them arbitrarily.
string Code
Region code for this state or province (unique in the respective Country).
string Name
Region name
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code to which this region belongs
string MerchantGUID
Merchant unique identifier
string ShippingCountryCode
Code of country selected on checkout
List<GiftCardData> Cards
List with gift cards data objects
string OrderId
Global‑e Order ID
string MerchantCartToken
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the merchantCartToken
argument for the respective SendCart
List<GiftCardData> Cards
List with gift cards data objects data
string ErrorCode
Code of the error
string ErrorText
Error message
string MerchantGUID
Merchant unique identifier
List<GiftCardData> Cards
List with gift cards data objects
string OrderId
Global‑e Order ID
decimal TotalToRefundInGiftCardCurrency
The total value to refund for all gift cards in gift card currency
decimal TotalToRefundInCustomerCurrency
The total value to refund for all gift cards in customer currency
decimal ConversionRate
Rate of conversion from gift card currency to customer currency
bool IsRefunded
Return true if amounts of redeemed cards successfully returned
List<GiftCardData> Cards
List with gift cards data objects data
string ErrorCode
Code of the error
string ErrorText
Error message
string CartItemId
long Quantity
bool Success
Indicates if the respective API method call was successful. Success property value may be only TRUE. Otherwise, ErrorInfo
will be returned instead (like in any API method, as described above in this document).
string Reason
(optional) Text that optionally describes the reason for Success status.
decimal ExceptionValue
A decimal value to avoid rounding for. Rounding exceptions always behave like “Relative Decimal”.
decimal From
A decimal value of the range start, exclusive of the From value itself. If a range must start from 0 inclusive, the From value must be set to a negative number.
decimal To
A decimal value of the range end, inclusive.
decimal Threshold
A decimal value used to split the range so that the values less than the threshold would be rounded to the Lower target, and values greater than or equal to the threshold would be rounded to the Upper target. For the "Absolute target," the threshold range is an absolute value. Other Ranges are Relative values. See the absolute target in Rounding Range for more information.
decimal LowerTarget
A decimal value used to calculate the target rounded value, for the numbers less than the Threshold, according to the defined Range behaviourbehavior. If the LowerTarget
value violates the MaxDecimalPlaces
setting for the respective currency, it must be truncated as described in the “Important Notices” below.
decimal UpperTarget
A decimal value used to calculate the target rounded value, for the numbers greater than or equal to the Threshold, according to the defined Range behaviourbehavior. If the UpperTarget
value violates the MaxDecimalPlaces
setting for the respective currency, it must be truncated as described in the “Important Notices” below.
Int64 RangeBehavior
One of the possible values of RangeBehaviors
enumeration defined below which is designed to control the way rounding range is handled. The range behaviourbehavioris applied to Threshold
, LowerTarget
, UpperTarget
and Exceptions
in the RoundingExceptions
decimal TargetBehaviorHelperValue
A decimal value required for the “nearest target” and “relative whole target” behaviourbehavior.
List<RoundingException> RoundingExceptions
List of decimal values used to calculate the exceptions for rounding, i.e. values not to apply rounding for.
RangeBehaviors enumeration:
RangeBehavior Option Value | Name | Description |
1 | Absolute target | In this behaviourbehavior, all the values within the specified range ( Getting rounding result (R) for the source number (S) must be implemented as follows: If (S = Exceptionn) then R = Exceptionn If (S < Threshold) then R = LowerTarget If (S >= Threshold) then R = UpperTarget |
2 | Relative Decimal target | In this behaviourbehavior, all the values within the specified range ( For source number (S): B = whole part of S LowerTarget (absolute): LA = B – 1 + LowerTarget UpperTarget (absolute): UA = B + UpperTarget Threshold (absolute): TA = B + Threshold Exceptionn (absolute): EAn = B + Exceptionn If (S = EAn) then Result (R) = EAn If (S < TA) then R = LA If (S >= TA) then R = UA |
3 | Relative Whole target | In this behaviourbehavior, all the values within the specified range ( Getting rounding result (R) for the source number (S) must be implemented as follows: For source number (S): B = S rounded down to the closest multiple of V For example if (S = 56789 and V = 1000) then B = 56000 LowerTarget (absolute): LA = B – V + LowerTarget UpperTarget (absolute): UA = B + UpperTarget Threshold (absolute): TA = B + Threshold Exceptionn (absolute): EAn = B + Exceptionn If (S = EAn) then Result (R) = EAn If (S < TA) then R = LA If (S >= TA) then R = UA |
4 | Nearest target | In this behaviourbehavior, Getting rounding result (R) for the source number (S) must be implemented as follows: For source number (S): B = S rounded down to the closest multiple of V For example, if (S = 123 and V = 5) then B = 120 LowerTarget (absolute): LA = B – 1 + LowerTarget UpperTarget (absolute): UA = B – 1 + V + UpperTarget Threshold (absolute): TA = B + Threshold Exceptionn (absolute): EAn = B + Exceptionn If (S = EAn) then Result (R) = EAn If (S < TA) then R = LA If (S >= TA) then R = UA |
If the result of rounding is a negative number, it must be set to zero, for any rounding behaviourbehaviordefined in the table above.
If either LowerTarget
or UpperTarget
value violates MaxDecimalPlaces
setting for the respective currency, this value must be truncated accordingly. For example, if UpperTarget
is set to 0.999 for USD, it must be truncated to 0.99 before using in any further calculations.
Rounding Rules Samples:
The following samples indicate how rounding X to Y (X → Y) is implemented using the respective settings.
0.25 → 0 3 → 0 1.5 → 1.5 2 → 2 | 22.47 → 21.95 22.48 → 22.99 22.50 → 22.50 33.75 → 33.75 | 2047 → 1995 2048 → 2100 | 122.26 → 124.99 122.25 → 119.99 127.26 → 129.99 121.50 → 121.50 127.50 → 127.50 123 → 123 128 → 128 | 2047 → 1999 2048 → 2100 | |
From | 0 | 1 | 1000 | 100 | 1000 |
To | 3 | 250 | 10000 | 1000 | 10000 |
Threshold | 3.01 | 0.48 | 48 | 2.26 | 48 |
LowerTarget | 0 | 0.95 | 95 | 0.99 | 0 |
UpperTarget | 0 | 0.99 | 100 | 0.99 | 1 |
RangeBehavior | 1 Absolute | 2 Relative Decimal | 3 Relative Whole | 4 Nearest | 4 Nearest |
TargetBehaviorHelperValue | 100 | 5 | 100 | ||
RoundingExceptions | 1.5 | 0.50 | 1.50 | ||
2 | 0.75 | 2.50 | |||
3 |
Rule identifier denoting the respective Rounding Rule on the Global‑e side. This value must be further specified when calling SaveProductsList
and SendCart
3-char ISO currency code.
2-char ISO country code
List<RoundingRange> RoundingRanges
List of decimal ranges and their respective rounding behaviourbehavior. See RoundingRange for more information.
string OrderId
Global‑e’s order id.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site returned from a previous call to the SendOrderToMerchant
method for this order.
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code.
List <OrderDocument> AdditionalRequiredDocuments
Additional documents which are required to ship the order.
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code of the shipping country either pre-defined using geo-location or actively selected by the end customer. This may be different from the shippingDetails.CountryCode
property denoting the registered user’s country defined below.
string clientIP
The end customer’s IP address.
(optional for the merchants not supporting browsing integration)
Culture (optional)
List <
> LocalShippingOptions
List of JSON-serialized Shipping Options available for local shipping of the order from the Merchant to Global‑e’s Local Hub previously returned by the ActiveHubDetails
method. If the “globaleintegration_standard” shipping method has been created and enabled for Global‑e on the Merchant’s site, Global‑e will prefer this Shipping Option when posting the order back to the Merchant’s site (using the SendOrderToMerchant
API method). Therefore, all other shipping methods available for local shipping may be omitted in LocalShippingOptions
List<Product> Products
List of Product objects.
string CartToken
The value returned from the previous call to SendCart
for the same client (must be stored in the client session or persistent cookie on the merchant’s side). This parameter is used to support cart updates.
string MerchantCartToken
Cart or session identifier used for the cart on the Merchant’s site, to be returned to the merchant with the order API call.
string MerchantCartHash
Hash optionally generated by the merchant, to be returned to the merchant with the order API call. This hash may be used for additional cart and order validation purposes on the Merchant’s side.
Int64 HubId
Identifier of the Global‑e’s Local Hub previously returned by the ActiveHubDetails
method. If not specified, the default Merchant’s Hub will be used instead.
List<Int64> PaymentInstallments
List of available payment instalmentinstallment amounts.
CartUserDetails UserDetails
All available details of the user including all relevant addresses.
string UrlParameters
List of JSON-serialized KeyValuePairs
that denote parameter values to be specified in the respective Merchant’s RESTFul API action URLs.
For example, to instruct Global‑e to include the “en-AU
” locale in the SendOrderToMerchant call for this cart, urlParameters
should include:
KeyValuePair: [{"Key":"locale", "Value":"en-AU"}]
In this example “locale” parameter should be configured for the SendOrderToMerchant URL for this merchant on the Global‑e side.
List<Discount> Discounts
List of Discounts to be applied to the cart. Discounts of any type (“cart”, “shipping”, etc.) may be specified.
CartVATRegistrationData VATRegistration
Holds information required for VAT exemption within the EU.
CartFreeShippingData FreeShipping
Holds information required carts that were awarded free international shipping according to the merchant platform (as opposed to the flat shipping pricing system on the global-e system).
CartVoucherData VoucherData
Holds information for merchant-side vouchers to be applied (includes loyalty vouchers and one-time vouchers).
CartLoyaltyData LoyaltyData
Holds information for merchant-side loyalty points to be applied.
string rateData
Currency data used by Global‑e to verify the currency rate. Return the value received in the used currency rate.
string WebStoreCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of a multi-store setup on the merchant’s site.
string WebStoreInstanceCode
Code used on the merchant’s side to identify the web store instance where the current cart is originating from. This code should be used in case of multi-store domains set up on the merchant’s site.
LoyaltyPoints LoyaltyPoints
Holds information on the registered user to apply loyalty points on the checkout page.
bool AllowMailsFromMerchant
Indicates if the end customer’s consent to receive emails from merchants should be pre-selected in Global‑e checkout.
string CartId
A string that represents the merchant order id if it is known already at the point when the user is still in the cart page on the merchant’s store.
string MerchantOrderId
Unique identifier of merchant order ID.
string MerchantInternalOrderId
Unique identifier of merchant internal order ID.
bool IsMoto
(optional - default value: 0) 1 – The customer is a customer support agent and an “Offline order” takes place, 0 – The customer is a regular customer.
SendFinalCartData extends SendCartData
UserDetails ShippingDetails
Shipping details entered by the customer in the checkout form. If CountryCode
is included, it is ignored (a new InitCheckout
call is required if the shipping country is changed)
UserDetails BillingDetails
Billing details entered by the customer in the checkout form
string ShippingMethodId
The ID of the shipping option selected by the customer
bool IsTaxPrePaid
Indicates if the end customer has selected or has been forced to prepay duties & taxes
bool IsSameDayDispatchSelected
Indicates if the user selected an option to dispatch the order on the same day
List<Merchant.CheckoutInfoGiftCard> GiftCards
The collection of GiftCards
that were applied to the cart
FinalCustomerPayments CustomerPayments
The values of total duties, total taxes, total additional fees (like Custom Clearance Fee), shipping price, and total that was shown to the customer on the checkout page
string CheckoutUrl
Checkout URL; it redirects you to the checkout or confirmation page (different URL for each merchant)
MarketplaceData MarketplaceData
Marketplace information received by the API
OrderReplacementData OrderReplacementData
Order replacement information received by the API
CreateSyncOrderData OrderData
Information about the order
OrderCreationSource OrderCreationSource
Source for the order creation process
string CartToken
Cart token returned by the InitCheckout call.
UserDetails ShippingDetails
Shipping details entered by the customer in the checkout form. If CountryCode
is included, it is ignored (a new InitCheckout call is required if the shipping country is changed).
UserDetails BillingDetails
Billing details entered by the customer in the checkout form.
long ShippingMethodId
ID of the shipping option selected by the customer.
bool IsTaxPrePaid
Indicates if the end customer has selected or has been forced to prepay duties & taxes.
long PaymentMethodId
Global-e identifier of the payment method selected in the merchant’s checkout. This identifier is mandatory for alternative payment methods. If not specified, the system assumes that the payment was made with a credit/debit card, and the card brand is identified on the Global-e side, according to the card number.
CheckoutCardDetails CardDetails
Payment card details specified on the merchant checkout page (for PCI-compliant merchants).
string MerchantCallBackURL
Callback URL provided by the merchant when using an alternative payment method. In this case, a redirect flow is required, for example, to PayPal.
Merchants can use different URLs depending on their needs. For instance, a merchant can have a callback URL for mobile devices and another for desktop browsers. If the merchantCallBackUR
L is not specified when using an alternative payment method, the SendOrder
call returns a validation error.
bool DoAddressVerification
Whether to perform the address verification. This is optional; if not provided then the address verification is done by default.
string UserAgent
The value that identifies the user’s application used for the checkout. For example, “MyShopApplication (android)”.
string AcceptHeader
The format of the data the application can accept to display on the WebPage. Use “text/html”.
string ClientIP
Client's IP. m. bool IsSameDispatchSelected Indicates if the user selected an option to dispatch the order in the same day.
Merchant.Order Order
Pending payment Global‑e order that was created following the SendOrder
string PaymentActionURL
URL where the end customer should be redirected to complete the purchase with the selected alternative (non-card) payment method, or card payment action URL in Global-e secured environment for card payment methods.
string Carrier
Carrier’s short name
string CarrierName
Carrier’s full name
string CarrierTitle
Carrier’s title
string Code
Shipping method code used to identify the shipping option on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Method
Shipping method name
string MethodTitle
Shipping method title
string MethodDescription
Shipping method description
decimal Price
Shipping price in Merchant’s original currency defined in the originalCurrencyCode
argument of the respective method call (i.e. SendCart
List<PriceItemInfo> ShippingPrices
List of shipping options with calculated international prices
string ShippingOptionId
Unique identifier for the item in the requested shipping options list
DutiesAndTaxesResponse DutiesAndTaxes
Full duties and taxes information according to the specific shipping option price
string CartItemId
Identifier of the cart item on the Merchant’s site. This property may be optionally specified in the SendCart method only so that the same value could be posted back when creating the order on the Merchant’s site with the SendOrderToMerchant
Either CartItemId
or ProductCode
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the ProductCode
property has not been specified.
string ProductCode
Product unique identifier on the Merchant’s site.
Either CartItemId
or ProductCode
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the CartItemId
property has not been specified.
date ExpectedFulfilmentDate
Expected date for backordered/preordered/customized item to be fulfilled (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Int64 Quantity
Product quantity that the exception refers to.
The product quantity is required for exception Type 3.
Int64 ExceptionType
One of the following possible values of the ExceptionTypes
ExceptionType | Name | Description |
1 | Out Of Stock | Out-of-stock items will not be fulfilled. |
2 | Backorder Preorder Customized Item | Backorder/preorder/customized items will be fulfilled. |
3 | Cancellation by request | Cancelled by customer request will not be fulfilled. |
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier.
Either OrderID
or MerchantOrderID
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the MerchantOrderID
property has not been specified.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site.
Either OrderID
or MerchantOrderID
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the OrderID
property has not been specified.
string DeliveryReferenceNumber
Merchant’s internal Delivery Reference Number for this order.
bool IsCompleted
Flag to mark orders as “completed” by the merchant. TRUE if order fulfilmentfulfillmentt has been completed and no more products will be shipped. FALSE if order fulfilmentfulfillment has not been completed yet.
List<Parcel> Parcels
List of Parcel objects for this UpdateOrderDispatchRequest
Either Parcels or Exceptions should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the Exceptions property has not been specified.
List<UpdateOrderDispatchException> Exceptions
List of UpdateOrderDispatchException
objects for this the UpdateOrderDispatchRequest
Either Parcels or Exceptions should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if the Parcels
property has not been specified.
TrackingDetails TrackingDetails
Tracking information at the order level of the parcel in case the merchant does the shipping by itself.
string HubCode
Merchant hub code that indicates which hub the parcels are being sent from.
The hubCode
should be mapped to a Global‑e hubId on the Global‑e side.
string ShippingMethodCode
Shipping Method Code used for the order instead of the original one.
The order should use WYOL and the input shipping method also be WYOL.
NOTE: The Shipping Method Code should be mapped to a Global‑e Shipping Method on the Global‑e side.
string<shippingAdditionalInformation> ShippingAdditionalInformation
Additional information is required for shipment.
Currently, it is used for the ITN number when exporting from the US.
string OrderId
Global‑e unique identifier or Merchant unique identifier of the order that requires updating.
List <Product>
The list of products that require updating.
string MetaDataUpdateType
The type of metadata update. Must be set to "Merge
DutiesAndTaxesResponse DutiesAndTaxes
Full duties and taxes information according to the cart details including the respective shipping option price
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier (previously submitted to the Merchant’s SendOrderToMerchant
method when the order had been created with Global‑e checkout)
List<OrderProduct> Products
List of parcels for this order’s shipment to the Global‑e hub
string OrderId
string MerchantOrderId
string RMANumber
string MerchantRMANumber
string UserId
Internal User identifier on the Merchant site
string UserIdNumber
User’s personal ID document number
UserIdNumberType UserIdNumberType
User’s personal ID document type (e.g. Passport, ID card, etc.)
string FirstName
First name
string LastName
Last name
string FirstNameInLocalCulture
First name in local culture Ex: Kana Japanese dialect
string LastNameInLocalCulture
Last name in local culture Ex: Kana Japanese dialect
string MiddleName
Middle name
string Salutation
Salutation or title (e.g. Dr., Mr., etc.)
string Phone1
Phone #1
string Phone2
Phone #2
string Fax
string Email
E-mail address
string Company
Company name
string Address1
Address line 1
string Address2
Address line 2
string City
City name
string StateOrProvice
State or province name
string StateCode
State or province ISO code such as AZ for Arizona (if applicable)
string Zip
Zip or postal code
string CountryCode
2-char ISO country code
string CountryName
Country name
string UserIdNumberTypeCode
Code denoting a user identification document type (e.g. Passport, ID card, etc.) on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
Identification document type name
string MerchantGUID
Merchant unique identifier
string ShippingCountryCode
Code of country selected on checkout
Dictionary<string,string> CardFields
Key value pairs of each field defined in the configuration
string MerchantCartToken
Identifier of the cart on the Merchant’s site originally specified in the merchantCartToken
argument for the respective SendCart
bool IsValid
The flag which approves that user entered the correct card data
decimal Balance
The available amount of money on a gift card
string CurrencyCode
Code of card currency
bool IsGlobalEGiftCard
If the card was bought from Global‑e should be true
string ErrorCode
Code of the error
string ErrorText
Error message
string VATCategoryCode
Code used to identify the VAT category on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string Name
VAT Category name
string VATCategoryCode
Code used to identify the VAT category on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global‑e side)
string CountryCode
2-char ISO code of the shipping country
VATRateType VATRateType
Product VAT rate type or class to be used for the products related to this VAT Category in this shipping country, unless defined on ProductCountry
level for the respective product. If VATRateType
is not defined either on ProductCountry
or on VATCategoryCountry
levels, the respective country’s DefaultVATRateType
must be used if applicable, according to the UseCountryVAT
value for this country. Otherwise, the VAT rate defined for the respective products on the merchant’s site must be used.
string VATRateTypeCode
VAT rate type (or class) code on the Merchant’s site (to be mapped on the Global-e side)
string Name
VAT rate type name
decimal Rate
VAT rate decimal value
bool IsAddressValid
Checks and indicates if the address is valid. If the address is not valid, the order will not be accepted.
List<CheckoutAddress> SuggestedAddresses
List of optional address corrections to provide to the customer.
string OrderId
Global‑e order unique identifier
NOTE: Specify one of the following: the OrderID
, MerchantOrderID
, or DeliveryReferenceNumber
This property is mandatory only if MerchantOrderID
and DeliveryReferenceNumber
properties have not been specified.
string MerchantOrderId
Order unique identifier on the Merchant’s site
NOTE: Either the OrderID
, the MerchantOrderID
or DeliveryReferenceNumber
should be specified/
This property is mandatory only if OrderID
and DeliveryReferenceNumber
properties have not been specified
string MerchantOrderId
Merchant’s internal Delivery Reference Number for this order
NOTE: Either the OrderID
or MerchantOrderID
or DeliveryReferenceNumber
should be specified.
This property is mandatory only if MerchantOrderID
and OrderID
properties have not been specified/
string ParcelCode
The code used to identify the Parcel in an order on the Merchant’s site
bool IsSuccess
Return true if the parcel was voided successfully
list <ParcelError class>
A list of the specified errors occurs while the request proceeds
string WebStoreCode
The code of the merchant web store
string WebStoreInstanceCode
The code of the instance of the web store