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Sale Prices and Discounts

This section outlines the steps necessary for implementing sale prices as part of the checkout process, covering both dynamic and fixed pricing scenarios.

Dynamic Prices

To implement sale prices for countries for which Global-e converts the prices, you must pass as the sale price through the OriginalSalePrice field in the getCheckoutCartInfo response in your domestic currency.


"OriginalListPrice": 46,      

"OriginalSalePrice": 25


  "productsList": [ 
      "ProductCode": "4296033", 
      "ProductGroupCode": "697662", 
      "CartItemId": "8426207451", 
      "NameEnglish": "Name", 
      "Name": " Name", 
      "DescriptionEnglish": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 
      "Description": " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 
      "URL": "https://domain/image.html", 
      "GenericHSCode": "610443", 
      "Brand": { 
        "BrandCode": "661", 
        "Name": "Brand" 
      "ImageURL": "https://domain/images/image.jpg", 
      "ImageWidth": 560, 
      "ImageHeight": 840, 
      "OriginalListPrice": 46, 
      "OriginalSalePrice": 25, 
      "OrderedQuantity": 1, 
      "IsBlockedForGlobalE": false, 
      "Weight": 6.64 
Fixed Prices

To implement sale prices that are fixed, you must pass the fixed prices in the SalePrice, OriginalPrice fields, and set isFIxedPrice to true in the getCheckoutCartInfo response in the local currency.


"IsFixedPrice": true,     

"SalePrice": 120,  

"ListPrice": 120,

The OriginaListPrice and OriginalSalePrice fields are ignored if they are passed.


  "productsList": [ 
      "ProductCode": "4296033", 
      "ProductGroupCode": "697662", 
      "CartItemId": "8426207451", 
      "NameEnglish": "Name", 
      "Name": " Name", 
      "DescriptionEnglish": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 
      "Description": " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 
      "URL": "https://domain/image.html", 
      "GenericHSCode": "610443", 
      "Brand": { 
        "BrandCode": "661", 
        "Name": "Brand" 
      "ImageURL": "https://domain/images/image.jpg", 
      "ImageWidth": 560, 
      "ImageHeight": 840, 
      "IsFixedPrice": true,
      "SalePrice": 120,
      "ListPrice": 120,
      "OriginalListPrice": 0, 
      "OriginalSalePrice": 0, 
      "OrderedQuantity": 1, 
      "IsBlockedForGlobalE": false, 
      "Weight": 6.64 

To implement a fixed price display outside of the checkout, see Fixed Prices Support.

Checkout Discount

Discounts are passed to the Global-e checkout via the getCheckoutCartInfo’s discountsList object.

Product-level Discounts

To apply a discount to a product, assign the same value to the discountsList.ProductCartItemId  as for the  productsList.CartItemId

	"productsList": [
			"ProductCode": "SKU or product itentifier",
			"CartItemId": "lineID1",
			"NameEnglish": "Product name",
			"Name": "Product name",
			"DescriptionEnglish": "Product description",
			"Description": "Product description",
			"URL": "https:/domain/page.html",
			"ImageURL": "https://domain/image.jpg",
			"ImageWidth": 100,
			"ImageHeight": 100,
			"OriginalListPrice": 100,
			"OriginalSalePrice": 100,
			"OrderedQuantity": 2,
			"IsBlockedForGlobalE": false,
			"Weight": 11.4
	"discountsList": [
			"CalculationMode": 1,
			"Name": "Discount Name",
			"Description": "Discount description",
			"OriginalDiscountValue": 20,
			"CouponCode": "yourCouponCode",
			"DiscountCode": "yourDiscountCode",
			"DiscountType": 1,
			"ProductCartItemId": "lineID1"			
Cart Level Discounts

Implement Cart-level discounts as you have done for product-level discounts but omit the ProductCartItemId for it to be considered a cart-level discount.

For the different types of calculation modes, see Discount.

	"productsList": [
			"ProductCode": "SKU or product itentifier",
			"CartItemId": "lineID1",
			"NameEnglish": "Product name",
			"Name": "Product name",
			"DescriptionEnglish": "Product description",
			"Description": "Product description",
			"URL": "https:/domain/page.html",
			"ImageURL": "https://domain/image.jpg",
			"ImageWidth": 100,
			"ImageHeight": 100,
			"OriginalListPrice": 100,
			"OriginalSalePrice": 100,
			"OrderedQuantity": 2,
			"IsBlockedForGlobalE": false,
			"Weight": 11.4
	"discountsList": [
			"CalculationMode": 1,
			"Name": "Discount Name",
			"Description": "Discount description",
			"OriginalDiscountValue": 20,
			"CouponCode": "yourCouponCode",
			"DiscountCode": "yourDiscountCode",
			"DiscountType": 1		