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Documentation Portal

Returns Portal


If you support returns via Global‑e, the shopper can use the Returns Portal to return goods or a dedicated merchant role can use the Merchant Portal to support the shopper.

In this document, the dedicated role is called Admin. If you have a collection point, depending on your country's settings and rates, the shopper can return goods directly to the store.

Returns Portal

As part of the integration process, Global‑e delivers a Returns Portal branded with the merchant logo and theme as well as a unique URL to access your Returns Portal.

This document describes the Returns Portal options and Returns flows supported by Global-e.


The basic return flow is the same for the shopper and for the Admin. The shopper uses the Returns Portal to perform the return. The Admin uses the Merchant Portal to perform the same procedure and configure the advanced options. The additional configuration options are highlighted in this document.

The following diagram provides a high-level return flow performed by the customer via the Returns Portal.


Return Flow


As a Merchant, it is up to you to share the URL to the Returns Portal with shoppers.

If you share the URL to the Global‑e Returns Portal, shoppers can use it to create RMAs and generate the required labels.

Alternatively, your authorized personnel (Admin) can perform the return on behalf of the customer via the Global‑e Merchant Portal Returns screen. This could be applicable for instance, if you decide not to share the URL of the return site with the shopper.


Before getting started, make sure that you meet the following requirements:

  • The Merchant must support returns via Global-e.

  • Global‑e Merchant roles to access the Global‑e Merchant Portal and handle or configure returns:

    The Merchant Operator and/or the Merchant Admin (or dedicated role).

Before Performing a Return
  • Make sure to have the following information handy:

    The Global‑e Order ID or the Merchant Order ID.

    The email address that was used to place the order.

  • The order must comply with the Return Policy so that the goods can be returned.

  • The order must have one of the following statuses: Dispatched to Customer or Delivered to Customer.

Overview of the Return Process and Options

Global‑e offers several return options, each of which generates an RMA and a shipping label.

The user flows depend on the selected configuration (Self Postage Returns and Prepaid Returns) the Returns Portal shows either 3 or 4 steps.


This option allows shoppers to generate a self-postage label that can be used with any shipper chosen by the customer. This is the most basic return option; It is always displayed in the Returns Portal.

Flow 1: Self-postage Return

  • Step 1 - Find the order: This step applies to both, self-postage and prepaid flows.

    The shopper accesses the Returns Portal and enters the order ID and email address.

    The Admin accesses the Merchant Portal > Orders and creates an order return.

  • Step 2 - Select the items to return:

    This step applies to both, self-postage and prepaid flows.

    The shopper or Admin chooses the products to return and the reason for the return.

  • Step 3 - Select the return method:

    This step depends on the returns options configured for the relevant country.

If there are no prepaid returns, this is when the return labels are created and sent to the shopper by email and the flow ends here.


This option enables the shopper to generate a prepaid shipping label via DHL. The return is routed directly to your merchant returns facility.

The Returns Portal shows the cost of the return but the customer is not charged when the RMA is created.

The prepaid return cost is deducted at the time of the order refund from the refund amount.

Flow 2: Prepaid Courier Returns

  • Step 1 - Find the order • This step applies to both, self-postage and prepaid flows.                 The shopper accesses the Returns Portal and enters the order ID and email address.                 The Admin accesses the Merchant Portal > Orders and creates an order return.

  • Step 2 - Select the items to return This step applies to both, self-postage and prepaid flows.                 The shopper or Admin chooses the products to return and the reason for the return.

  • Step 3 - Select the return method:

    This step depends on the returns options configured for the relevant country.

    If prepaid options are configured per merchant or country, this step is when the shopper selects a return option; for example, self-postage or prepaid.

  • Step 4 - Create a return label:Step 4 - Create a return label

    If the shopper has selected the prepaid courier return option, this step is when labels are generated.

    This step allows the shopper to generate the RMA and shipping label. (Get the required documents and follow the instructions to initiate the return).

  • Global‑e adds a branded merchant logo on the Returns Portal for the shopper per merchant request.

  • The Return Portal is fully translated and supports multiple languages.


    The Self-Postage Label supports English only.

    The Return Note is partially translated.

    The Return Instructions are translated.

Return Policy

The Return Policy is available on the checkout page.

The return journey is only available for orders that meet the Return Policy based on the following parameters and statuses.


Return Policy Parameter


Allowed return period

The allowed return period is determined per merchant, by the merchant app setting.


The number of calendar days during which the RMA can be issued from the moment the order is in Dispatched status.

Complete default value

Admin users can issue returns for an unlimited period (even if the return period has expired) if the merchant app setting IsAllowedReturnDaysAfterExpired.

Default: false. Do not allow RMA creation if the return period expired.


Orders or parcels must have the following statuses to execute returns.

Non-split orders

  • Delivered to customer

  • Delivered to store

  • Dispatched to customer

  • Returned to store

Split orders - Order Status

  • Delivered to customer

  • Delivered to store

  • Dispatched to customer

  • Returned to store

  • Part dispatched (the rest to follow) and payment received

  • Part dispatched and part refunded 

Parcel status

  • Delivered to customer

  • Delivered to store

  • Dispatched

Flow 1: Self-postage Returns
Step 1. Find an Order
Shopper Procedure

To access the Returns Portal and find the order:

  1. Go to the Global‑e Support Portal: Tech Support Help Center.

  2. Click Returns and Refunds.

  3. Click How can I return an Item?

    The Returns Portal (Wizard) is displayed.

  4. In the Find an Order section:

    1. Enter the Global‑e Order ID or the Merchant Order ID.

    2. Enter the email address that was used to place the order.


    3. Optional: For a localized return journey, select the desired language from the Select Language menu. The default return journey is set to English, regardless of the language selected on the checkout page.

    4. Click Next to proceed to Step 2. The relevant order ID and order details are displayed.

Admin Procedure

To access the Order Returns Screen and create a return:

  1. From the Merchant Portal, go to Orders > View Orders ,

  2. In the Merchant Orders screen, find and open the order to be returned. For example GE3604332434GB.

    Note: The order (parcel status) must have one of the following statuses: Dispatched or Delivered to customer.

    The Order details screen opens.

  3. At the bottom of the Order Details screen, under Items Ordered, click Create Return.


    Step 2 of the Returns Portal is displayed showing the relevant order ID and order details.

Step 2. Select the Items to Return

This step shows:

  • The Order ID or Merchant ID, as it was entered in the previous step.

  • The product summary with the list of products that can be returned. This list includes the product image, product name, and product attributes (such as size and colour).

    Note: Non-returnable products are displayed but the shopper cannot select them for return.

You can select one or multiple items to return.

For each item you wish to return:

  1. Select the number of items to return. For example 1.

  2. Select the reason for the return. For example "Too big".



    See the list of Default Return Reasons.

  3. Click Next.

Advanced Settings (Admin)
  • To grant a FREE prepaid return, select Make this return free shipping for the customer.

  • To return all products at once, next to Return all products, select a return reason.

Returnable vs. Non-returnable Products

By default, returnable items are displayed in the Returns Portal.

Some non-returnable products are displayed but the shopper cannot select them for return, others are not displayed, as detailed below.

  • Dangerous goods: The Returns Portal only shows dangerous goods if you request that Global‑e enables the specific merchant country parameter:


    Example of a product listed as dangerous (note the exclamation mark next to the product):


  • Price 0 (zero): Products with 0 price before discount are not returnable.

  • Non-returnable products: Products marked as non-returnable by the merchant (per provided product attribute or metadata) are disabled and a label is added, indicating that the product cannot be returned.

    Example of a non-returnable product:

  • Virtual products : Virtual Products (Products.IsVirtual = 1) cannot be returned.

    Virtual products are products that are delivered electronically, without the need for physical shipping. Examples of virtual products supported by Global-e can include gift cards and vouchers: These are typically sent via email or other electronic means and can be used to make purchases on a website or in-store.

  • Recycled goods: Recycled goods are generally non-returnable unless the merchant allows the products to be returned after a number of days (configurable) based on the return reason. For example, a product can be returned after 100 days because it was “worn enough“. The merchant can compensate customers for recycling, for instance, in the form of a membership reward (10% coupon or Loyalty Points).

    To support recycling, request that Global-e sets the SendCart Product Attribute as recyclable.

    If allowed by the merchant, the shopper can return the item with the “recycle” reason (the name is configurable) as long as the feature is enabled and the return date is within the date range.

    On the Merchant Portal, when viewing the details of an order, the MinimumRecycledPerial appears under the product name (in the items ordered section). Global‑e can change this text as required.

    Example of recyclable products:

Default Return Reasons


Global‑e can customize the following list per merchant.

In addition, Global‑e can control the order display by configuring MapMerchantReturnReasons.DisplaySortOrder. This requires that Global‑e pre-maps this in the database.

Default Return Reasons

  • Arrived too late

  • Wrong Product

  • Damaged on arrival

  • Changed my mind

  • Faulty item

  • Too big

  • Too small

  • Ordered more for choice

  • Not as photo

  • Not as described

  • Replacement

Step 3 – Create Return label

An RMA is created. The RMA and the return instructions are sent directly to the shopper's email address used when placing the order.

To download the RMA, click Print return label.

The self-postage flow ends here.

Flow 2: Prepaid Courier Returns
Step 1 and Step 2

Repeat steps 1 and 2 as detailed in Flow 1: Self-Postage Returns.

See Step 1. Find an Order

See Step 2. Select the Items to Return

Step 3. Select the Return Method

Return Options

Return options are available according to the merchant return offering. Each return option is linked with the return address.

  1. Select a return option:

    Standard Returns: This is the self-postage option (default). This option lets shoppers create a return label and ship the returned products with the shipper of their choice at their expense.


    To remove this option, you can request that Global-e sets the merchant country parameter: HideStandardShippingMethod = true

    Prepaid Returns: This option lets shoppers create a prepaid return label and download it from the Returns Portal.

    The return cost is deducted from the customer's refund.

    Express prepaid: This option lets shoppers return goods with a courier such as DHL.

  2. Review the disclaimer and click the box next to it to confirm that you have read it.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Create a Return Label

The user selected prepaid returns.


An RMA is created.

To return the goods:

  1. Click Print return label to download the RMA.

  2. Print the return label and affix it securely to the package.

  3. Send the package (together with the return documentation) to DHL.

    Note that the prepaid label price will be deducted from your refund.

Searching for Returns (Admin)

To search for returns:

  1. From the Merchant Portal, go to Orders > Returns.

  2. You can search returns by setting the following filters.

    • Select an option:

      RMA Number (selected by default)

      Tracking Number (shipper’s tracking number)

      Order Number (Global‑e order ID - beginning with GE)

      Delivery Reference Number

    • You can also set additional search filters (see details in the Additional Search Filters section further below).

    • To search for a specific return, enter the relevant return number in the search field, then click Find and View.

    • To list all returns based on the default RMA selection or on your selection, click Filter Returns.

The search results are displayed in the lower section of the screen, under Return Requests.


Additional Search Filters

You can perform an advanced search by setting additional filters detailed in the following table.

Search by


Shipping Service

Search by shipping service.

Return Status

Search by return status:


Arrived at Destination



Dispatched by customer

Dispatch by Returns operator

Dispatched from hub to merchant

Received by Global‑e

Received by Returns operator

Received in Hub



Customer name

Search by the name of the customer who performed the return.

Return creator

Search by the person who created the return:


Global‑e Representative

Merchant Representative


Search by merchant name (only relevant for merchants with multiple brands managed by the same user).


Search by customer email.

From Date / To Date

Search for returns within a date range:

Select the From Date and To Date from the calendars.

Shipping Countries

Search by shipping country.

Return Type

Search by return type:

Consolidated return

Local Prepaid

Local Prepaid Courier




Shipping Documents

Shipping Label

The shipping label is mandatory on all parcels.

The shipping label includes a bar code and underneath (generally), the tracking number.


Tracking Number

The following figure shows examples of shipping labels.


Examples of Shipping Labels and Tracking Numbers

Example of an RMA

This section shows an example of an RMA for goods returned to the store. The RMA consists of an RMA Label and RMA Note.

Return Note

The Return Note shows the items that the buyer selected on the Returns Portal (in this example, one casual Ring Backpack).

Return Label

Note the RMA Number on the Return Label.

Return Note and Label Sent by Email
Returned Items






Summer straight-fit shorts


Wrong size



RMA Number


Order: 00007110 GE118714TS



{FirstName LastName}

{Address 1}

{Address 2}

{City}, {Zip}




{Merchant Return Name}

{Merchant Return Address 1}

{ Merchant Return Address 2}

{ Merchant Return City}, { Merchant Return Zip}

{ Merchant Return State}

{ Merchant Return Country}
